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Online pet shop

An online pet store that sells products for dogs, cats, birds and rodents: feed, minerals, toys, cages, etc. Illustrated catalog of goods by category with descriptions and prices, as well as instructions for the use of products, delivery information (conditions) and payment (methods), assistance, discount information, contact information.

Sale of goods for cats, dogs, birds, rodents and fish. Catalog of feed, canned food, care products, toys, accessories, medicines, vitamins. Section with stocks. Prices. On the site you can take a virtual 3D tour to get acquainted with the assortment. A knowledge base for the proper care of animals. Reviews Shipping and payment information. Contacts.

Pet supplies for pets. Pets are full members of the family. Provide them with comfortable living conditions! And in order not to travel around the city in search of the necessary drinking bowl or scratching post, not to stand in lines, order pet supplies with home delivery. Houses, sunbeds, bowls, trays - living in an apartment with comfort. Allow your pet a zone for sleeping, relaxing and playing.

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