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Thyroid clinic

7 myths about thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland was a very mysterious organ. Not only for patients, but also for ... doctors. Patients (with their relatives and friends) and endocrinologists have for many years created a halo of mythical conjectures around the gland. These misconceptions began to be perceived as reality.

1. The myth that some kind of illness or anxiety (symptoms) is associated with the thyroid gland.

Patients ask: "Tell me, is it because of the thyroid?" This question is often asked about any diseases and any deterioration in health.

But the thyroid gland only affects its hormones. If they are in abundance, then no iron can harm.

In fact, if the hormone T3fr. It is located in the optimal zone of the norm (ie, between 25-75 percentiles of the reference gap) and T4fr. normally, regardless of the magnitude of TSH and antibodies (AT-TPO, AT-TG, AT-rTTG), the thyroid gland does not have a damaging effect.

On the contrary, the thyroid gland, providing the body with hormones, is itself prone to overstrain and depletion due to the increased need for its hormones in various diseases.

2. Myths about TSH: if the TSH is enlarged, then the iron has weakened.

TSH is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the production of hormones (T4 and T3) by the thyroid gland. The increase in TSH occurs with increased consumption of thyroid hormones. At the same time, the gland is overstrained, which is noticeable due to increased blood flow during an ultrasound scan.

In almost 80% of cases with an increase in TSH, the amount of hormones of the thyroid gland itself is normal. This indicates that hypothyroidism (an increase in TSH) is a state of increased thyroid tension.


3. The myth created by doctors and imperceptible to patients: it is necessary to "treat TSH."

Endocrinologists prescribe hormonal drugs, trying to bring the TSH back to normal, but they miss the most important thing in the development of the disease. As a result, patients are not cured and doctors declare to them that supposedly hypothyroidism is not curable. Who is interested in the massive use of hormonal drugs and the maintenance of the myth?


4. The myth of the prohibition of sunbathing with hypothyroidism, AIT, nodes in the thyroid gland, etc.

It is possible to sunbathe the majority of patients with the indicated conditions, observing the usual precautions and gradualness. Of course, there are restrictions (but not absolute prohibition) for some cases. When hypothyroidism or euthyroidism in combination with chilliness and "cold feet" summer warming and tanning are useful! You can read more about this in a special article on the website of the Dr. A.V. Ushakov Clinic of the Thyroid gland.

5. The myth of the ban on the introduction of iodine during the autoimmune process in the thyroid gland.

Some endocrinologists are still stubbornly recommending to their patients to reduce the amount of products with iodine during autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT). But leading experts of Russia have debunked this fiction. When AIT indications for the use of drugs and products with iodine depend on hormonal metabolism and the concentration of iodine in the body.


6. Myth (medical) about the reliability of assessing the sufficiency of iodine in the urine of a group of individuals, but the unreliability of this analysis in one person from this group.

To assess the individual need for iodine can be an analysis of the concentration of iodine in the urine.

American experts have introduced confusion: they mistakenly took the result of research showing the unreliability of a small sample compared with a large sample as evidence of another.

In general, it is difficult to imagine: how can the sum of elements be reliable, but every element of this sum is not reliable? If there is an inaccuracy in the diagnosis of each patient, then as a result, the sum of such inaccurate data should also show the distortion.

Therefore, the analysis of iodine in urine is absolutely reliable research for one case.

7. The myth of the incurability of thyroid disease.

If not properly treated, then recovery is not possible - that is simple wisdom.

In modern scientific publications on endocrinology (articles, manuals, textbooks ...) the concept of regenerating thyroid tissue is completely absent. How can one assume "treatment" without improving regeneration? Meanwhile, the thyroid tissue is able to regenerate very well. This recovery occurs during illness. But the intense overvoltage of the gland increases the exhaustion and death of its cells. That is why the renewal of tissue does not have time for exhaustion.

Watch a movie about the regeneration of thyroid tissue during AIT (this is a story about a single study of this kind - about the reality of thyroid repair).