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Доктор Мехди Эбрагими Вафа

Если бы коронавирус мог говорить, он бы сказал так

If COVID-19 could talk, it would say something like:

"Hi everyone! I've been waiting...for so long... I've been waiting for the moment to come out of darkness into the light. I did not touch you (people), I've been observing for decades...

And here's what I understood:

You, people, got trapped in the numerous halls of your only life. You are hardly ever home where your kids are waiting for you.

Your seniors miss you each day, sitting and longing to hear the key turning in the keyhole. And even when you are back, your tiredness is the only thing you're interested in, you give in and hurry up for bed rather than taking advantage of a unique opportunity to talk to your loved ones about things that matter and smile at each other!

After observing in terror endlessly cold attitude of a man to a man, after seeing numerous mistakes of a man towards his own kind, towards the Earth which you are destroying, towards the animals which you are killing, I understood that all your values are the riches, money and diamonds.

Do you really believe that all these things are valuable?

I saw you spend an enormous amount of time planning your next vacation right after being back from the last one, moreover, not to unwind.

All your thoughts, centered around cunning, deception, jealousy, jiggery-pockery and anger, that terrified me in the past and still do, are available to me.

So I understood that if I stay in the shade, you'll lose the true meaning of life which is definitely in love, family values and kindness.

Yes, I decided to show myself to the world. I'm here. I'm among you.

I want only one thing, you to understand: you're not the owners of the Earth!

Look, I'm so small... completely invisible, but you all are afraid of me!

I've shown you that our planet is really tiny. After all, I've been to all its even the most remote parts in a month. I want you to understand something very important before it's too late! I want you to remember about your love for each other and the Earth. I want your kids to be happy. The way it is now, right? You won't argue about the fact that started noticing your kids' happy faces and some of you eventually became friends with them. Many of you are cleaner now, I can see this.

All these is possible thanks to me.

You see, I also want to live. I came to change you not to kill you. Surely, I will soon disappear. The truth is, I'm temporarily your guest, but I can't guarantee that I won't come back after some time if you continue destroying yourself and the planet. Start changing and always remember about me, and be ready for our next meeting. And for now...obey all the rules, stay pure in your body and soul. Stay honest to yourself and others. Then I won't have a reason to come back!

But while I'm here, I can address you with this message, reminding what's important!

I repeat, I'll be gone soon to observe from the side!

So, let's not say goodbye. I tell you "farewell" and may be "see you! "

The text by Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

The painting by Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa