in italic - курсивом
weight up -взвесить
consider - рассмотреть
decide - решить
regard - в отношении чего-то
think about - подумать о чем-то
formulated- сформулированное
originating - происходящий из
put together - взятые вместе
prepared - подготовленные
a multitude of -множество чего-либо
a crowd of - (people) толпа,множество людей
countless - бесчисленное кол-во
many - много
When you want prepare and find actual facts about your historical past, you can use all ways for success.
There is all routs can work better together. But you need be more rational and closely analyze all information, which you find.
Put together search in internet and public archive, stories from grannies and your parents, your personal diaries and memories. all information prepared in search process you have to structure. step by step from biggest to small details - you can revive your history and find new moments in your past. it may be perfect full story for your next generations.