This article covers two basic stereotypes, misconceptions about self-education. There is such a stereotype that self-education is when you sit alone at home with a book and videos and study some material individually.This presentation is very narrow, and it excludes the role of a teacher, mentor, partner and mentor. In fact, between the study of theory and acquisition of a skill in practice is very often quite a long distance, and to overcome this distance may help only a person who has the skill and the skill to transfer this skill i.e. some communication and pedagogical abilities. At the same time, a real professional in his business, which will agree to teach you, will not take exorbitantly large fees for that (those who charge great amounts for different courses in fact, demonstrate their real goals), he will be interested in the transfer of skills so that his lifework continued after him, but he would not take to his apprentice any Dick and Jane; he will have his own requirements for his disciple.
To deny this method of teaching is at least not reasonable, although there are certainly situations where a mentor is just nowhere to find, so a learner will have to master the skills from scratch by himself. The question arises, how does self-education differ from simple historically formed education? First of all it differs by a way of mastering theoretical material and forming a program of training, its content and stages. The thing is that the historically established system of coding pedagogy is built in such a way that a student has virtually no effect on the speed, order and methods of his training, he is just squeezed into a baling machine, his will is suppressed by immobilizing, his figurative thinking is turned off and his brain is pumped with kaleidoscopic factology so that after graduation he would become a smooth cube or a cog, adjusted to certain standards of the system. This does not take into account individual abilities, inclinations, desires and aspirations, and the formed cogs are useless because in school, as in any other educational institution, there is no metrological system to transfer and verify knowledge and skills. In self-education everything is quite different. A person himself determines the subject of study, which is most interesting to him, determines the pace, with which he wants to master some or other skills and chooses those people who will help him transfer theoretical knowledge into practical skills.By the way, the term self-education is currently legal and represents one of the possible 5 forms of obtaining primary, basic and secondary education.The second stereotype is that any person can be taught anything. If a person has not learned, it is the method or the teacher to blame. In our culture, knowledge in educational institutions is mainly factual. There is practically no question about methodological knowledge, although the word is in the language. When it comes to methodology, a science of methods, then the question arises, where does knowledge, ideas about the world, i.e. the world view come from, how does information get into the psyche of an individual? Here one can remember philosophy, the Queen of all sciences, or their origin, one can remember how it began (Dialectics of Socrates, Logic of Aristotle), and where it came to (pseudo-dialectics of Hegel and Marxism), but it is already the subject of separate articles and videos.