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quantum satis.

Secret tracts of weight loss

Today I would like to tell about diets. Some people say that diets are very useful for health. Other claim that diets are harmful for people. I support the former point of view, and I will try to prove it to you.

Firstly, diets help people to lose weight and keep a good fit. Overweight is bad for health; it impairs the performance of the heart and blood vessels. It is hard for people to move, they try to minimize their physical stress, and the problems with limbs may appear.

Secondly, there are special sports diets. They help athletes to maintain and develop their muscle mass, which, in its turn, will help them to set new personal bests. There are such a diets as protein and carbohydrate.

Thirdly, people with diseases such as diabete need to stick to a diet. They should not have products with high sugar content.

But there is another point of view. Some people think diets can provocate such diseases as anorexia and bulimia, which many people in the world suffer now from. There are also a lot of girls sitting on strict diets to achieve their goal, slim figure, but after that they suffer from diseases of the stomach and the digestive tract.

I consider that anorexia and bulimia are psychological disorders, they are not related to diets, and to recover it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist. But a thin body is not a sign of anorexia. And to not get gastric diseases, you ought to know when to stop and do not harass a hunger strike.

In the conclusion, I'd like to tell that I support diets; they help people to struggle with a serious illness and to be more light, active and cheerful.