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Love at First Message или любовь с первого сообщения. Любите, девушки, простых романтиков, отважных лётчиков… Часть 1.

Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, в каждой главе есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.

Chapter 90.

Ольга Ломоносова <…olga@mail.ru>17 декабря 2018, 18:31

Good evening, Barrie. Thanks for the answer. Don't apologize. If we are truly friends there can't be only your problems. They are mine as well.
I can understand your feelings. OK. I didn't want to tell this story now. Maybe later, when we meet. But I feel like I have to tell it now. And I think it proves I can be very faithful and wait for a long time.

Do you remember the photos I sent with one of my first letters on the 5th of December? They were taken in Ireland. I wrote I had been to England and Ireland. And you remember Stella's story for sure. I must say I had something like this ones in my life.


аpologize - извиняться

truly - настоящие

mine - мои

as well - тоже

prove - доказывать

faithful - преданный

Ireland - Ирландия

for sure - конечно


I said just something like this but not the same. And now I can see my story wasn’t a love story at all. I was mistaken while thinking it was. And I was writing Stella's love story at the very that time. Еach sentence of the story that described the woman's feelings I was pulling through my heart. All of the feelings were mine.

My story finished 12 years ago.


the same - то же самое

at all - совсем

be mistaken- ошибаться

while - зд. когда

аt the very that time - в то самое время

each - каждое

sentence - предложение

describe- описывать

pull - тянуть

through - сквозь


So, he was Irish, very serious, never married. First I thought that the difference of 13 years was too big. I even thought we were from different generations and hardly could find something in common. We acquainted in July. His first letter was nice and sounded seriously. That time he worked in Antarctica flying a small plane. Yes, he was a pilot and that fact was very romantic! We wrote to each other as often as we could.


so - итак

Irish - ирландец

married - женат

first - первое время, сначала

difference - разница

too - слишком

generation- поколение

hardly - едва ли

in common - общее

acquainted- познакомились

sound - звучать

pilot - лётчик

Окончание этого письма в главе 91.


See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.