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Concept of Societal Safety

Astrologic factor

When someone introduces some information regarding possible options of the future into the present moment it alters the statistically distributed pre-determinacy of various options of the scenario. If the nature of the input information and a certain mindset of people is negative, it can program misery of events, that is, programming of catastrophic future.
If astrology is looked at as a science of energy-and-information interactions between the Space, Earth, its biosphere, and living people, then astrology predicts the most likely evolution of processes in the tacit assumption of lack of a spontaneous, effective controlling response to unacceptable scenario on the part of those who undergo this prediction; also, often in silent assumption it ignores possible reasonable controlling response to the actual prediction. For those who do not think about the correlation of foresight activities, its "spontaneous" subsequent implementation and appropriate controlling, these defaults are the tools to program their non-conscious levels of psyche for inevitability of a prediction. In relation to unthinking and trusting crowd, to code the psyche with predictions (real and imaginary) is one of the means to control it.
An astrological forecast is a more or less accurate prediction of the external and internal circumstances in relation to individuals and societies, but it is not a prediction of controlling from a person who reacts to these circumstances. A person reacts to predictions and circumstances according to his morally related spirituality, including world comprehension and skills of biofield perception of reality and influence thereon. All the more so beyond astrology, there is direct targeted intervention into events from the Above, that once predetermined the rhythm of the energy and information processes in the Space, which is a subject of study and interpretation in astrology.

Patterns of astrology and spirituality of people

The word "pattern", as science understands this term over the last 200-300 years, is a predictable repetition of the result under natural or artificial reproduction of conditions in which the result has already been observed.
So, such understanding of the term "pattern" is no more than a prediction of some energy-and-information natural background conditioned by:

  • configuration of space bodies that make up the Solar system relative to the "fixed star sphere" (Constellations of the Zodiac circle);
  • distinctive impact of the position of each body in the system, in combination with other bodies, on the biosphere of the Earth and people.