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Sara Saudkova: Perfectness and flawlessness is boring

Sara Saudkova, a well-known Czech photographer, kindly answered my questions.

Sara Saudkova
Sara Saudkova

— You work in a unique genre of fine and ambiguous staged photography, each shot is a unique work of art. Can you describe the modern audience, the audience of your photos?

— I am glad to say, that visitors to my exhibitions are people of all kinds and ages and education. They don´t need any explanation while seeing my images because they are understandable across generations and borders. My photographs are timeless and can´t get old.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— To understand your photos, everyone needs a certain cultural level and knowledge of the history of photography, the history of the genre, intellectual work, and possibly the historical context. Are your works more for “veterans”? How does the younger generation of viewers feel about the school of photography that you represent?

— I don´t think so that my viewers are lost without knowing the background of the origin of my works. There are some eternal feelings that we all have inside – love, loneliness, desire, sorrow, joy, anxiety, memories…and these never change. Sure, some people are more conservative, close-set, some are rather freethinkers and I am not going to teach them what to think. I simply follow my own philosophy that shows how beautiful life is despite the pain, loss, disappointments time limitations. I don´t create photographs to provoke people but some people can be provoked by them, it is all right. It is fine if the people have different opinions, most of them are delighted and consider my images joyful and arousing, some people admit that my images touch their soul very deeply because they can evoke their memories of something that was almost lost or forgotten. Only a few people are offended by its nudity. I don´t want to please everybody, to appeal to the general taste. I do what I like and like what I do. My photographs are very unique because they are absolutely personal. I display myself into them. If the young generation is fascinated by something than totally by the fact that I keep working with an old analog camera, using b/w negatives and that they can´t see the instant result…I can´t skip long hours spent in the darkroom.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— We can say that modern photography more and more goes online. Exhibitions and books lose in popularity. Does this mean some kind of modification, change in the visual design of your photo school? Do you take «internet only» photos? How are photos for the web different from exhibition prints?

— I am stubborn and have never stop enlarging original photographs in the form of silver gelatin prints. I believe that see them on the wall face to face, with all their imperfections, in a real size 30×40 or 50×60 cm is an irreplaceable impression. It has the same magic and power as to see real statues, real aurora, real forest, real painting, as to eat real food or to kiss somebody you like and to make love to a real person. The other ways are fine but offer just a substitute or imitation only. When I publish some images on Instagram or web, I simply make a scan from an original photo and often have to censor it to meet stupid “rules of community”.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— How has the structure of the business related to the sale of photographs as works of art changed in the era of Instagram? Can we expect a revival of mass interest in printed photographs? Does photography remain a serious art object?

— I guess people more and more appreciate the value of “handmade” classic photography originated in the darkroom than printed in the print studio. Every my photography has been limited to 15 pieces from the negative only, it confirms, even more, its worthiness. There are millions of photographers in the world using digital cameras or phones nowadays. But they produce common consumer goods. Nobody can warrant you that a digital print will last in the same color and quality more than 15 or 20 years. The classic photography due to a specific chemical process during the developing outlives children of your grandchildren…

— Do modern people (and not just professional critics) understand the meaning and versatility of images, can they explore art images?

— The people are still the same, they know modern technology, live faster, absorb more and more information but their needs and feelings are the same as thousands of years ago. I don´t follow the newest trends and fashionable “must do”, I don´t give a damn on it. Maybe I am oldfashioned but I will not get old as many modern pursy, short-term movements. The beauty and emotions are eternal. And luckily don´t subject to current trends.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— How would you describe the current state of Czech photography as a cultural phenomenon? In your opinion, does it continue to remain original?

— I have no idea as I don´t observe it. I don´t belong to any Czech photographic community, I am rather a lonely wolf. Sure, I am aware of the fame of Czech photography of the last century in the world – so many interesting names in such a small country, it is almost unbelievable. Maybe there are some new artists but to be honest I don´t know any of them.

— You often work with young models. How interested are they in posing in this genre?

— I work with anybody but young models are more willing to pose, to get naked, they are more playful. I love working with different bodies, different types of people because they are more believable, the viewers can be better identified with them and with the stories they play on my photographs. Thatś the reason why I don´t cooperate with professional models, they are in some way spoiled performing learned positions, always smiling and perfect. Perfectness and flawlessness is boring. I love traces of life you can read on bodies of common people, their bodies can tell you wonderful stories of their lives.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— Are private (commercial) clients interested in such photo shoots?

— Yes. They are interested in having something very individual, powerful and valuable. And in addition to it, they are amazed by the atmosphere of the photo shooting indeed which can hardly experience in any other place. It is unrepeatable. And they can be sure that nobody else will ever see their photographs until they show them to others.

— You have many wonderful works, where you are both a photo artist and a model at the same time. How would you formulate the idea of your “common” creative message?

— Life is short and fast and wonderful. I want to stop the time and preserve all precious moments that will pass away and disappear or sink…our loves, childhood of our kids, youth, memories. When I pose for myself it has nothing to do with narcissism. I simply don´t have anybody at hand at the moment and need my ideas to come to life. Finally, I have to admit that I am satisfied with the final image and don´t need to remake it with somebody else. That’s all.

Photographer: Sara Saudkova
Photographer: Sara Saudkova

— Can modern photography be truly sincere and expose the real inner world of a person, with his demons, passions, and insights? Is sincerity possible in modern art in principle?

— It depends on the artist and his competence to be open and sincere regardless of the societal expectations, fashion, saleability. If he has a lack of inner obsession and doggedness he will hardly create something unforgettable that survives one season. To make art for money is „a highway to hell“. This way is great but only when performed by AC//DC.

Images courtesy of Sara Saudkova.
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Источник: http://photoekb.ru/?p=11625