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Анна Курбатова

ТОП-10 ошибок в употреблении предлогов.

Яндекс картинки.
Яндекс картинки.


Сегодня мы обратим внимание на употребление предлогов после некоторых глаголов. В отличии от русского языка предлоги в английском играют важную роль.

А у вас бывало такое, что вы не знали какой предлог поставить после глагола- of with to from...

Начнем по порядку:

ACCUSE OF, not for

😡 Don't say: He accussed the boy for stealing.

👍 Say: HE accussed the boy of stealing.

AFRAID OF, not from

😡 Don't say: I am afraid from spiders.

👍 Say: I am afraid of spiders.

ANGRY WITH, not against

😡 Don't say: She was angry against him.

👍 Say: She was angry with him.

BELIEVE IN, not to

😡 Don't say: We believe to you.

👍 Say: We believe in you.


😡 Don't say: They complained for the weather.

👍 Say: They complained about the weather.

CONFORM TO, not with

😡 Don't say: We must conform with the rules.

👍 Say: We must conform to the rules.

CONSIST OF, not from

😡 Don't say: It consists trom 2 parts.

👍 Say: It consists of 2 parts.

DEPEND ON upon, not from

😡 Don't say: It depends from the weather.

👍 Say: It depends on the weather.

DIVIDE INTO PARTS, not in parts

😡 Don't say: I divided the cake in 4 parts.

👍 Say: I divided the cake into 4 parts.

MARRIED TO, not with

😡 Don't say: Ann is married with a successful man.

👍 Say: Ann is married to a successful man.

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