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Concept of Societal Safety

Erotic or pornographic

In the theory of "sociological science" and in jurisprudence, the problems arising from the presence of reproductive instincts, mainly morph into internal and inter-corporate disputes of lawyers and culturologists about what is "erotica" as a natural (because of the biological peculiarities of the "Homo Sapiens") component of culture of every society, and what is harmful "pornography", in some ways different from "eroticism"; and how to distinguish and differentiate them in real life.
To date, neither lawyers nor culture experts can give a distinct definition to either of the phenomena in the societal life, or to draw a distinction between them. This is largely the result of the fact that the disputes around this issue are being conducted mainly "around", i.e. without going into issues of general biology and consideration of the cultural 'integuments' which represent the biology of reproduction of new generations in a civilized society.
The biological species of "Homo Sapiens" differs from other species in the biosphere by the fact that all other organizations of the psyche are unilaterally programmed in terms of genetics, and the species of "Homo Sapiens" can carry one of the five types of psychic formations and can switch from one type to another during lifetime both involuntarily (under the influence of circumstances), and intelligently  i.e. being deliberately expedient. At the same time, unlike animals, a human with appropriate upbringing and world comprehension is able to restrain his instinctive urges of different kinds, and if he abides by the humane psychic formation, the instinctive programs subordinate to his reasonable will. As a result, the man gains freedom from instinctive dictate and "pressure on the psyche" i.e. the so-called "animal nature".
If we understand what Love is and how it arises in people, if we know that the humane type of psychic formation is free from attachments, emotionally self-sufficient and therefore free from neuroses on any grounds, if we remember the proportionality and harmony of the biosphere, then the answer to "indeterminable" disputes between lawyers and culturologists on the topic of "what is pornography and what is erotica?" is simple. And the same answer resolves the paradox about how to live without neurosis and contraception, without overpopulation of the planet with people:

  • Erotica is something one loving person addresses to his only beloved person in the process of preparation or in the course of natural (i.e. without any anticoncipiens) copulation of two clearly diclinous subjects.

It is an integral aspect of Love, a sacred and therefore mysteriously sacral component of life of any fulfilled person i.e. a carrier of the humane type of psychic formation. In the societal life, within God's Providence the eroticism affects only three people (if we do not consider twins): a potential father, mother and a future child, which is to enter Life of this world.
The act of conception is sacred, and it takes place within the course of Providence. As a result, if we do not ignore Providence, the copulation and conception will occur seldom enough in order to avoid overpopulation with people, that are not taken care of by future parents, and the humane type of psychic formation will allow people to get rid of neuroses based on systematic genital dissatisfaction.

  • Porn act is everything that:
  •  has nothing to do with the intention of loving future parents to join their destinies and continue the generation,
  •  is addressed to groups of people or to one person, arousing in them energy and instinctive programs of reproductive behavior with both normal, and perverse gender orientation.

In a personal psychological aspect, the point of a porn act is to attract attention of a subject of "Homo Sapiens" to anything, by arousing vigorous reproductive passion i.e. energy and instinctive programs of reproductive behavior both in normal gender orientation (but without the purpose to conceive a new life in Love), and in perverted forms (homosexuality, sadomasochism, masturbation, etc.). And in terms of personal relationships a porn act is also aimed at establishing control of one subject over another, based on artificially created psychological dependence.
Accordingly, in the aspect of societal life, as in not just a life of one or another person, the aimlessness to arouse reproductive instincts during porn acts is only semblant: objectively, a porn act works on exerting control over the society of porn-addicted subjects, although the latter may not understand it at all or consider their addiction as solely their own business or "natural way of life".
Copulation without the purpose of conception is perversive and in terms of essential social consequences of its influence on the psyche of its participants it is also a porn act, although the need for copulation as a means of emotional discharge or recharge is objectively caused by physiology, corresponding to the inhumane types of psychic formation.
This definition of pornography is not a call to abstain from copulation by willpower and does not require such abstinence against the objective psycho-physiological need caused by the established personal type of psychic formation: this way leads to nothing but neuroses and disturbances in one's own psyche (in fine literature you can read about it in Leo Tolstoy's "Father Sergius").
Human physiology, including the need for reproduction is conditioned by the type of psychic formation.
Each type of psychic formation corresponds to its physiological peculiarities and bio-rythmics of the body, distinguishing one type of psychic formation from the others.
Only being in the humane type of psychic formation, regardless of gender and age, a person is free from the dictate of instincts and acquires energy-emotional self-sufficiency in life, which is not conditioned by the need to intercourse.
In other words, if "life sucks" without intercourse, and if the concern to satisfy real or possible "genital hunger" is the background for any mental activity and behavior in society, then there is no point in flattering oneself in regard to personal development and allegedly incarnated dignity of a human being.
It concerns representatives of both genders, starting since adolescence (when reproductive instincts awake and puberty begins), and much less since youth (if we consider the onset of youth as the moment when the development of genetic program of the organism and the systems of its organs is completed).
Such understanding and distinction of eroticism and pornography is the only creative one in relation to realization of possible future prosperity of a society and mankind as a whole, but it demands to rethink and revalue a lot of stereotypes about habitual life of the modern society and the historical past of the mankind.
That is, to establish the humane culture requires meaningful efforts of people themselves to transit to the humane type of psychic formation, and therefore the duration of process to establish the humane culture on a global scale is conditioned by people themselves: their faith toward God, personal religion, aspiration activity.
According to this understanding of eroticism and pornography, it is necessary to note the following: what may become a porn act in relation to one subject may not be a porn act to another because of the peculiarities of his psyche.
This is the main reason why culture experts and lawyers can not agree with each other on the issues of distinction between eroticism and pornography. Besides, in order to come to the point of both these phenomena, one must have an idea of the types of psychic formation and stratification of the society by types of psychic formation and not forget that a human as a personality and species is only a part of the biosphere of the Earth.
A society, being the bearer of certain traditions of behavior, generates statistics of how its members react to some or other phenomena which helps to reveal what is a porn act in relation to one or another psychologically and culturally peculiar group of people and society as a whole.
Accordingly to conditionality of traditions and statistical distribution of the population by types of psychic formation, firstly, the content of porn acts changes in any society in the course of its historical development; and, secondly, it is distinguished in different culturally peculiar societies, though in porn acts of different cultures and different epochs there are also common features, because all people belong to the same biological kind.
In a society where, firstly, it is normal to be dressed at home and in public, to be dressed one way or another in sports and some kinds of art creativity, and secondly, upbringing and culture mostly reproduce generations of carriers of inhumane types of psychic formation, therefore the inhuman types of psychic formation quantitatively prevail in society, so a porn act is any attraction of attention of people to someone's own or other reproductive potential (i.e. gamic challenge), and particularly to nudity as such; and moreover, a porn act is when one subject imposes contemplation of gamic challenge to another subject, and specifically during normal or perverted copulation. Therefore, pornography as a genre of artistic creativity is a variety of porn act.