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Это воскресенье. Половина второго. Элизабет обедает и слушает музыку по радио. Ее сестра несет чайничек с чаем и печенье. Идет дождь снаружи. Сестры не собираются выходить наружу, они собираются остаться дома и пить чай с печеньем. Может быть, они будут смотреть фильм, может быть, они будут читать, может быть, они будут говорить. Девушки любят, когда идет дождь.

It is Sunday. It is half past one. Elizabeth is having lunch and listening to some music on the radio. Her sister is carrying a tea-pot with some tea and biscuits. It is raining outside. The sisters are not going outside, they are going to stay at home and drinking tea with biscuits. Maybe, they will watch a film, maybe they will read, maybe they will talk. The girls like when it rains.

It /іт/ is /із/ Sunday /сандей/. It /іт/ is /із/ half /хаф/ past /паст/ one /ван/. Elizabeth /элізабес/ is /із/ having /хэвін/ lunch /ланч/ and /энд/ listening /лісэнін/ to /ту/ some /сам/ music / мьюзік/ on /он/ the /зэ/ radio /рэдіо/. Her /хё/ sister /сістэ/ is /із/ carrying /кэрін/ a /э/ tea-pot / ті:пот/ with /віз/ some /сам/ tea /ті:/ and /энд/ biscuits /біскітс/. It /іт/ is /із/ raining /рэйнін/ outside /аутсайд/. The /зэ/ sisters /сістэз/ are /а:(р)/ not /нот/ going /гоуін/ outside /аутсайд/, they /зэй/ are /а:(р)/ going /гоуін/ to /ту/ stay /стэй/ at /эт/ home /хоум/ and /энд/ drink /дрінк/ tea /ті:/ with /віз/ biscuits /біскітс/. Maybe /мэйбі/ they /зэй/ will /віл/ watch /воч/ a /э/ film /філм/, maybe /мэйбі/ they / зэй/ will /віл/ read /рі:д/, maybe /мэйбі/ they /зэй/ will /віл/ talk /ток/. The /зэ/ girls /гё(р)лз/ like /лайк/ when /вэн/ it /іт/ rains /рэйнз/. It is Sunday /сандей/. It is half /хаф/ past /паст/ one /ван/. Elizabeth /элізабес/ is having /хэвін/ lunch and listening /лісэнін/ to /ту/ some /сам/ music on the radio. Her /хё/ sister is carrying /кэрін/ a tea-pot /ті:пот/ with some tea and biscuits /біскітс/. It is raining /рэйнін/ outside /аутсайд/. The sisters are not going / гоуін/ outside, they are going to stay /стэй/ at home /хоум/ and drink /дрінк/ tea with biscuits. Maybe /мэйбі/ they will watch /воч/ a film, maybe they will read /рі:д/, maybe they will talk /ток/. The girls /гё(р)лз/ like /лайк/ when /вэн/ it rains.