Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, в каждой главе есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.
Chapter 39
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
10 декабря 2018, 0:46
I don't want to go... or want you to go... But it must be so..... Good night my sweet.... sleep softly... Sweet dreams my lovely Owl.... We shall write again soon..... Kiss..... Barrie xxxxx
softly- мягко, спокойно
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
10 декабря 2018, 0:50
Oh.... I am definitely singing it for you..... squirm away, woman!!!!!
definitely - определённо
squirm away - зд.берегись же
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
10 декабря 2018, 0:55
You know... You have caught my soul..... and woman..... I want you.... Bad!!!!
Bad! - зд. Очень!
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
10 декабря 2018, 0:57
Lol xxx..... You will be in trouble... soon enough!!!!
trouble- трудность
soon enough - довольно скоро
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
10 декабря 2018, 3:04
Firstly ...Your sleeping, and my God - I wish I was there!!!!
Yes, I am hungry!!! very!!! but I will not just run into the baker’s, and eat the first bread I see - I want that special muffin ....The one I have been admiring .......
I am not scared of you - not to talk to or even meet .....I am a little scared of it all disappearing again - you must have the same fear I assume.
you should also not say sorry - for not looking young???? you look amazing, well, to me anyway, and that's what is important - so no more nonsense about your looks - your wonderful, and lovely x
I may not always say or do the right thing - I will make mistakes, but I will never hurt you with intention - only by my clumsy thinking or actions.
I would honour you as I would want to be honoured - love and cherish, protect and respect, all these things and more - just exactly as I would want the same for me .
we have such a chance of happiness, and a new life for us both ....yes, there is so much more steps to take, but we have begun the journey together .......
and I would like to finish it ...hand in hand ......
sleep softly my angel .......X
Barrie ......
Well,… - Ну,…
I wish I was there! – Как бы я хотел быть там! ( как жаль, что меня там нет.)
the baker’s - булочная
admirе - восхищаться, любоваться
I am not scared of you. - Я не боюсь тебя.
disappear - исчезнуть
fear- страх
аssume- полагать, допускать
nonsense - глупость, чепуха
with intention- намеренно
honour- чтить
On Mon, 10 Dec 2018, 08:29 Ольга Ломоносова, <…olga@mail.ru> wrote:
Good morning, Barrie. How did you sleep? I've received the letter and would like to answer it. Barrie, you write, .....I am a little scared of it all disappearing again - you must have the same fear I assume. I know, dear, I know very well what you mean. I'm not a girl and I met a few men on my life way. And every time I was scared to be disappointed with a man I liked. And every time it happened. Like dejavu. I will be honest- as soon as I felt it I left the man. I didn't want wasting my days for a man I didn't love anymore. Or may be that wasn't love? I'm sure it wasn't love. Just а wish, passion.
And all of it disappeared every time. As soon as I understood my man didn't deserve my respect my wish and passion disappeared in one moment. It was like switching off the light. Now I'm listening to myself trying to understand if I have the same fear as I had before. Strangely and extraordinary but I'm not scared of it all disappearing again. And I can't understand what it means... I just know I do want to be with you. Ok. Take care and have a nice day. Olya xxx
a few - несколько
disappointed- разочарована
as soon as – как только
wastе- напрасно тратить
wish - желание
passion - страсть
deserve - заслужить
extraordinary- необычно
See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.