Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, по главам. В конце каждой главы есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.
Chapter 33
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
9 декабря 2018, 19:46
Hello my dear Olya,
I hope that your busy day is now finished - and you find sometime for yourself to relax.
I don't know where the email I prepared earlier has now gone - into the Internet void - eaten by aliens!!!
it was just a little more information to share with you concerning my spare time, and plans.
and went something like this ........
I too like to swim, especially when on holiday, in the sea - I love the openness of it, and find it so refreshing and invigorating. the problem is, I do like to swim - but don't do it enough!
I have a photograph (a paper one) at home, of me in a dive spirit, complete with fins, when I used to snorkel dive - I look a right dick head - lol.
I also like to fish, sea and river fishing - not lakes, it is not a fair sport - like shooting fish in a barrel (we say)
as I told you before - I like to cook - especially seafood, prawns ( large ones, not the small - they are no good ) all shell fish - except crab - I like it, but it does not like me .
fish too, any fish! I love it !!!! and can eat every day - believe me - I never tire of fish.
Mediterranean dishes too - even Chinese dishes - I can make bread - pies, even jam - and even if I say myself - my soups are very good.
I am really a man - just in case you were wondering - ha ha ha .....I just like to know things - and good food is important for us.
invigorating- бодрящий
to fish - ловить рыбу
prawns- креветки
except- за исключением
tire of - устать от
Mediterranean - средиземноморский
dishes - блюда
pies - пироги
soup - суп
just in case you were wondering- просто на тот случай, если тебе это интересно было узнать
So, the area where I am going to in January is on the south coast of Spain called Málaga - Torremolinos - in particular, the region is Andalusia.
Pablo Picasso came from Málaga - it is a region filled with museums, the great Alhambra Palace is nearby in Granada - the old stronghold of the Moors.
the Sierra Nevada national park is not so far away, and Cordoba, the city of knights, and the conquistadors.
as I have said previously, I love history - and this place is packed with it - castles, Roman amphitheatres, churches and cathedrals.
it is my idea of a good day out, learning and exploring - and I can not wait to share it all with you.
or just sit with a coffee and tea, and watch the world go by ....No more cold winters, no more extortionate prices.
life I know presents different problems, I am not being an ostrich - but I know I will be much happier there - than I am here ........
Well, time for dinner - so, speak soon, kiss .........Barrie xxx
came from - был родом из
knight- рыцарь
previously - ранее
packed - наполнены
castle - замок
church - церковь
cathedral - собор
extortionate - грабительский
ostrich- страус
time for dinner- пора обедать
See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.