Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, по главам. В конце каждой главы есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.
Chapter 32
9 Dec 2018 8:54 am, "Ольга Ломоносова" <…olga@mail.ru> wrote:
Good morning, dear Barrie. How are you? What about the weather? Is it better now? Be careful, please. I know it is not safety. There is no snow anymore. It rained 3 days ago. Now it is so slippery! I do work today. I do it every day. When my son isn't in I usually switch on my computer and begin my day with some music. Today I listen to Ain't No Sunshine. Do you know this song? I'd like to study the lyrics and sing it for myself. OK. I have to go. I know you'll get this message when you get up. And I know you will be glad to get it. Have a nice day. Take care, please. Olya xxx.
slippery - скользко
have to- должна
Take care. - Береги себя.
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
9 декабря 2018, 11:05
Good morning Olya my dear,
I am fine thank you.... I hope you are too..... I am always careful... So please do not worry... you be careful too if it is slippery.... We do not bounce so well.....!
The weather is now a little better, just a swell, not so much strong winds.
I know the song - Bill Withers did a version of it .......You are talking to the world's blackest white man - lol ......
I am a big fan of soul, motown, and northern soul - I love my music ...not so much heavy rock - or classical - but 60s - some 70s - 80s - 90s - rap and hip hop are wasted on me.
look for a song baby I need your loving - beautiful! this is my vein of music .......
I have a question - you said ......You would live anywhere with the man who was brave enough to be with you ........what does this mean? ....are you a beater of men .....Lol ......or a crazy food poisoner ..Lol ....
Thank you for the photograph - my God! your beautiful ...Really, truly so ....I want to eat you .....Whole! I can not download it fully - why, I don't know!!!
but it has given me a smile to carry with me for the day .........
Well, my busy little owl, I shall write later - and wish for you a good day - take care my sweet - kiss .....Barrie x
bounce - подпрыгивать
swell - зыбь (морск.)
are wasted on me
vein- вена
beater - колотушка
Whole! – Целиком!
On Sun, 9 Dec 2018, 13:37 Ольга Ломоносова, <…olga@mail.ru> wrote:
Good afternoon, dear Barrie. Thanks for the letter. I'm sending my photos again. Hope this time they can be opened. Have a nice day! As about your question... I'll try to answer it later. OK? Kiss. Olya
this time- на этот раз
аs about- что касается
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>
9 декабря 2018, 13:41
Bless you my little owl, but I did manage to open them eventually, it just takes time here - it is so slow ...But thank you my sweet muffin - x
kiss - Barrie ......
Bless you- Благослови тебя Господь
I did manage- мне действительно удалось
мuffin- кекс
See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.