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Chapter 26
Barrie Dale <barrie…@gmail.com>8 декабря 2018, 2:57
Oh my.... I am chasing a younger woman.... Lol...
Really... I am glad to be doing so... Your not so younger than me - I think it is disgusting when older men chose young women probably because I have daughters.
Thank you for telling me of your family - and of course yourself - I find it all so interesting.
now I see your suspicion - father a police detective .....it rubbed off on you ......But you will learn in time - plus, my memory is too bad to remember plots and schemes !!!! lol .
chase- преследовать
I am glad to be doing so. - Я этому рад.
is disgusting- ужасно
suspicion- подозрение
it rubbed off on you plots and schemes !! – это передалось тебе
I was born in Kingston upon Hull - a major seaport in Yorkshire - father a deep sea trawler captain - died very young ( 49 ) - mother, a stay at home mum, and a cruel and twisted individual.
although we had things, my childhood was not a good time for me - the middle child of three .....older brother - younger sister - and now, I don't even know where they live - sad, but true.
( but my hero, was my grandfather - a separate story - a real Explorer! really !!! I cried like a baby when he died - I was 26 - and thought I was tough - I was nothing compared to that man - a true giant among men.)
deep sea trawler - глубоководный траулер
died - умер
a stay at home mum - домохозяйка
cruel - жестокая
twisted – извращенный
individual - индивидуум, личность
although- хотя
hero - герой
a separate story – об этом отдельный рассказ, это отдельная история
еxplorer - исследователь
tough- жесткий, крепкий, сильный
I was nothing compared to that man. - Я был никем по сравнению с ним.
giant - гигант, великан
but that's why I always keep my family close now, and did the best I could for them - and loved them more than life itself - and would kill for them.
God help anyone who hurt them - I would do very bad things to such a person.
among - среди
did the best - делал всё, что было в моих силах
God help anyone who hurt them - Помоги господь тому, кто их обидит
Well, make of this what you will - but when I was younger I saved in the territorial army - as a part time soldier - when home in between trips to sea - to raise cash for my marriage - what a waste of money that was - lol .
make of this what you will- суди сама
save - служить
part time - частичная занятость, неполный рабочий день
soldier - солдат
in the territorial army- в территориальной армии
raise cash - заработать денег
waste - пустая, напрасная трата
See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.