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Love at First Message или любовь с первого сообщения. История любви или замуж в Англию…. Начало истории о Стелле.

Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, в каждой главе есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.

Стелла, Уолтер и их дочь Бренда
Стелла, Уолтер и их дочь Бренда

Chapter 53

К этой главе словарь не прилагаю, т. к. первоисточник на русском языке находится на самой первой страничке моего канала. Вы узнаете его по фото.

Love Story That is Half a Century Long

(Начало, окончание читайте в главе 54)

There is no woman who would not dream to fall in love once and forever and at the same time to be the only desired woman for her beloved. But is there a woman who can agree to be waiting for her beloved during half a century? When he is thousands kilometers from her, in another country and there are a lot of other obstacles between them, besides the language. These bars don’t depend on them, because they were set by their own country.

Which of you would stand everything and find the forth to suffer all the struck of the fortune by yourself?

Now Anastasia Petrovna Tumanova can hardly be called lonely. This woman has a lot of friends who love and respect her endlessly for her real intelligence, but more for her femininity. It is the quality that men appreciate most of all. This quality means everything: mind, beauty, the sense of humor and, of course, coquettes. Anastasia possesses all these qualities in full measure.

She was called Stella in post-war years. That time she was a young, quick, joyful girl who danced brilliantly. It was a dance hall in Sheffield where a handsome Englishman Walter Tetley met her in 1947. For him Stella became the only woman which every man dreams about but only few men are so happy to find.

Stella spent her childhood and youth in the town of Pskov, the fascists’ prison, running from the concentration camp, the train which was bringing her to Germany, liberation of the prisoners from the concentration camp by English troops. By happy chance she was sent to work to Great Britain, but unlike many other Russian prisoners she was not given to Soviet Motherland which carefully sent her sons and daughters from Great Britain to Siberia without stops.

But these facts became known afterwards. And in 1947 she was young and full of hopes for her happy future. When you have a tall and handsome man beside you, which is confident and loving you crazily, what else do you need?

And everything was wonderful in the life of happy Walter and his Russian wife: the job, the new house and the birth of their daughter.

But the sense of nostalgia, which is so abstract for us, people living in Russia, is quite real, almost material, abroad. It goes into your heart with quite steps, and then it dwells in your heart becoming an obsession. The only way to cure it is your motherland.

Living in the warmth of her English house, bathing in love and care of her husband, Stella did not suspect anything about cruel reality of life in the Soviet Union after World War II. She idealized Russia being far from it, she imagined Russia as well as she remembered it since her childhood.

Her sister’s letter about their mother’s hard decease was the last drop. Stella resolved to go to Russia to see her relatives, show them her daughter and fulfill her heart with the air of her motherland.

Poor Walter desperately tried to persuade her not to leave. All his arguments were in vain, though Stella’s heart was tearing apart between her husband and the Russian land. The day of farewell had come. From the deck of the soviet ship Stella could see Walter who was rushing along the moor being unable to keep his wife and daughter there to stay. Stella had a minute’s fit to dash to her husband in order to console him, embrace him and henceforth not to leave him at all.

(Окончание рассказа о Стелле- в главе 54)

Анастасия Петровна.
Анастасия Петровна.

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