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Stretching for beginners. Common questions.

Anna Kanyuk, the founder of stretching studios TOPSTRETCHING® is on Zen air with main issues regarding stretching.

Anna Kanyuk is the training process
Anna Kanyuk is the training process

1️⃣ How to start if I’ve never done stretching?
✅ You can start with 2 training sessions per week and simple stretching exercises. Don’t forget to warm up before💖

2️⃣ Are these courses also for beginners?
✅ Exactly. My courses are useful both for beginners and those who continue, because we will try to do each exercise with its best amplitude. It differs whether you’re a beginner or not💖

3️⃣ Are these courses suitable for pregnant women/after childbirth and c-section?
✅ For pregnant women I advise personal trainings with a qualified specialist. My courses are suitable for recovering after childbirth, you can start your trainings already 2 months after. Don’t worry breastfeeding, stretching will not affect it💖

4️⃣ How many days per week should I stretch?
✅ I recommend you to stretch every other day, because your muscles need time to rest. Thus, progress will go faster💖

5️⃣ How to stretch correctly?
✅ First of all, a good warm-up before stretching exercises! Certainly if it’s not about so-called “cold stretching” when you don’t need it. By the way, there are a lot of techniques💖

6️⃣ How long before my training should I eat?
✅ It’s ok to eat an hour and a half before the session. Your meal should be light💖

7️⃣ How do you couple stretching with regular workout?
✅ Stretching goes well both with cardio and functional training. You should do stretching after workout💖

8️⃣ How can I achieve both building up strength and stretching?
✅ You need to combine stretching and pumping exercises and do them regularly. You will succeed sooner or later💖

To keep in touch with Anna Kanyuk you may visit her Instagram profile

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