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Анастасия Изергина


Definite Article is represented by the only form which is ‘The’ article. Comparing with Indefinite article, ‘The’ article we can use with any noun: singular and plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.

the book

the books

the water

the place

Historically ‘the’ article means the same as ‘this’ or ‘these’, so it is used when specific identity of nouns is known.

I want the dress we saw yesterday. (specific dress)

I tried some gloves in the shop. I’ll take the gloves. (specific gloves and shop)

Here are the functions (or use) of The Definite Article:

1. Generic – is a use of The Definite Article with some nouns to refer to the whole class represented by objects of the same type. For Example:

The bus is a really necessary means of transport for cities in any part of the World.

The youth is very independent nowadays.

2. Specifying – is a use of The Definite Article when it serves to single out an object or several objects from all the other objects of the same type or kind.

She is the only woman I love.

Margaret is the only child in a family.

The students of my Online School can learn English any time.

3. Identifying repeated object – is a use of The Definite Article with some nouns which had been mentioned in the context earlier. For Example:

I saw a bird in my garden. The bird was singing pretty well.

Jack has got a car. The car is a red high-speed sport car.

Существует много различных подходов и классификаций функций определенного артикля. Однако основной важный момент, который необходимо понимать – это различие между определенным артиклем и неопределенными артиклями исторически. Если Вам понятны истоки и происхождение артиклей an, a и the (как «один» и «этот») , Вы едва ли спутаете данные артикли в употреблении.