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Love at First Message или любовь с первого сообщения. Мне скоро исполнится 56, но я не так уж и стар...Я ничего не обещаю...

Barrie and daughter Claire at her wedding you see - I can look nice - lol x  Barrie
Barrie and daughter Claire at her wedding you see - I can look nice - lol x Barrie

Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, в каждой главе есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.

Chapter 5

Barrie Dale

6 декабря 2018, 0:46

Hello again Olga .....

such a nice surprise !!!! when I sent your mail - another two were waiting for me - thank you, so very much.

I have to ask - why such a pretty lady is interested in a man like me? please, do not think I am not happy that you are - of course I am!

I am a bit of a romantic - no, that's not true - a lot of a romantic - ha ha ha - I love travel, and quiet walks on warm beaches, or old Roman ruins, and imagine what life was like then.

but I do not like crowds, I feel stifled, and trapped, perhaps from a lifetime at sea, with big open spaces, and skies that seem endless.

Anyway, perhaps a dream, but who knows, maybe one day in the future I can show you the sights of Spain and Portugal, not the tourist traps - but the real country, it so beautiful .....I wish to live there one day .......it is not important where I live for my job - so, it is not beyond impossible.

I too don't have so many friends - lots of work colleagues, but all of them like me are seamеn, and to be honest, when we are home, then you want to be with your family and the people you have not seen for so long - and not someone you have just spent a month or more with!

I was married 26 years ...I was very young, and we just drifted apart - and then one time home, I found out that I was not the only man in her life - and that, I will not tolerate.

My youngest daughter will not speak now to her mother, and the relationships between my two eldest daughters and their mother is not what it should be.

I have three daughters, and really, we are more like best friends, unusual for a man - usually girls stick to their mother - but we get on fine, they are always looking to me , to make sure I am OK .....it is like they are the parents sometimes - ha ha ha .

but please don't be put off by them - if they know I am happy - they will be happy for me ( and of course, my partner )

Барри с друзьями в Риге. Вы только взгляните на эти руки!  Сможет ли он ими объять необъятное? Я себя имею в виду. А вы что подумали?
Барри с друзьями в Риге. Вы только взгляните на эти руки! Сможет ли он ими объять необъятное? Я себя имею в виду. А вы что подумали?

I know where Kaliningrad is, and have travelled to the Baltic many times. in fact this summer, I visited my friend in Riga, Latvia as he was to marry, and his wife to be is expecting a baby this month !

I have been lucky with my sea career in the past - I have travelled the world, and seen many places some good - some not so good - but something I would not of changed - even to be the king of England - not this even .

Well, I can not say for other men, but if you really want to be friends and build a true friendship, and who knows what else ......You will not find me doing the disappearing act of a magician .......I will be there, at home, waiting to talk to you via Skype, WhatsApp, email, and if the sparks are there ........why should we not meet .....?

I promise nothing - and expect nothing - just honesty .......why should we not try to be happy .....I am soon to be 56 ...But I am not so old .....and there is life, and love in me yet ....... We shall just have to see what time and the future brings .........

always your friend ............Barrie .


crowd- толпа

beyond- сверх

find out- обнаружить

get on- ладить

put off- опасаться

was to marry- был вынужден жениться

spark- искра

See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.