1. Arise - возникать, подниматься
arise - arose - arisen
- To be sure — our discordancies must always arise from my being in the wrong.
- Doubts arose in his mind.
2. Awake - просыпаться, пробуждаться
awake - awoke - awoken
- The alarm awoke me early.
- When a prince comes to awake her with a kiss.
3. Be - быть, находиться
be - was (were) - been
- He could be selfish.
- Where have you been?
4. Bear - рожать, переносить
bear - bore - born
- I can't bear being cold.
- She bore him three sons .
5. Beat - бить
beat - beat - beaten
- Her heart began to beat wildly.
- The team was beaten for the second time.