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Коронавирус и РПН

26 февраля 2020 года Роспотребнадзор рекомендовал гражданам РФ без особой надобности не посещать ряд стран, среди которых перечислена Италия, где уже имеется несколько карантинных зон.

Новый вирус уверенно и легко пересекает государственные границы и природные преграды, горы и моря. Основной прирост стран и территорий, в которых зафиксированы за последние сутки первые случаи заражения коронавирусом, дали люди, которые посетили или являются жителями итальянских очагов.

Однако официальные российские власти не торопятся делать 'резких' движений, объясняя это невозможностью контролировать перемещение российских граждан по странам шенгена.

Однако сделать попытку того, чтобы 'смелым' российским туристам было как можно затруднительнее посещать страны с очагами, на мой взгляд, уже пора.

Например, в Германии рекомендации носят совсем конкретный характер.

"Немецкая ассоциация олимпийских видов спорта (DOSB) обновила свой анализ риска коронавируса. Международное спортивное агентство в настоящее время отговаривает спортсменов и тренеров от поездок в Италию и Южную Корею, основываясь на более ранней рекомендации избегать поездок в Китай.

Отмена тренировок и соревнований в этих регионах является разумной мерой, считают в ассоциации. Спортсменам, возвращающимся из этих стран в Германию, рекомендуется сдать анализы на коронавирус и оставаться дома в добровольном карантине в течение 14 дней после возвращения. "

Поэтому до реального прихода вируса в Россию осталось совсем немного времени, к сожалению. Думаю, что счёт идёт на дни, "к гадалке не ходи".

Согласно ресурсу https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#news на сегодня имеют место быть следующие факты:

  • 1st case in North Macedoniaa woman who had recently returned from Italy.
  • Milan (population of about 1.5 million people) has 2 confirmed cases. For comparison, among travelers returning from Milan, there are at least 5 confirmed cases: in Croatia, Germany, France, Spain, and Finland.
  • 1 new case in Finlanda woman of working age who had travelled to Milan.
  • 3 new cases in Spain, two of which had recently returned from Italy.
  • 62 year old man in Sevilla(Andalusia).
  • 36 year old Italian woman resident in Barcelona (Catalunya) who had travelled to Northern Italy.
  • 24 year old man in Madrid who travelled to Italy.
  • 1st case in Greece: a 38-year-old woman from Thessaloniki who recently returned from a trip to northern Italy.
  • 1 new case in Croatia: the brother of the first case, infected after visiting Milan in Italy
  • 5 new cases in Germany: including a 25-year-old man near Stuttgart who is reported to have contracted the disease during a trip to Milan.
  • 1st case in Romania: a person who had returned from Italy 3 weeks ago.
  • 1 new case in Sweden: a person in Gothenburg who developed fever and respiratory symptoms 3 days after returning home from northern Italy.

На 26 февраля 2020 года
На 26 февраля 2020 года
Думайте сами, решайте сами , нужна ли вам сегодня Италия?
Map of provinces with confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases (as of 25 February)
Map of provinces with confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases (as of 25 February)
February 26:
--- Tourism: 90% cancellation rate in Rome.
Туризм: 90% аннулирования договоров в Риме.
--- Israel to impose quarantine for travelers from Italy.
Израиль введет карантин для путешественников из Италии.
--- British Airways cancels 22 flights from Milan due to cancellations.
British Airways отменила 22 рейса из Милана из-за аннулирований.
--- The United States issues a Level 2 ("Excercise Increased Caution") travel advisory to Italy.
Соединенные Штаты издают консультативное заключение о поездках в Италию уровня 2 ("проявлять повышенную осторожность").
В Европе: (Австрия, Хорватия,Швейцария, Испания); & (Алжир и Бразилия) объявили о первых заболеваниях вирусом, связанных с пребыванием в Италии. ПОЧЕМУ РФ не прекращает сообщение с карантин-зонами?
February 27 (GMT):
2 new cases in Greece (Athens):
- 38 year old woman in Thessaloniki who had recently returned from a trip to Milan, Italy.
- woman in Athens who had also recently
been in Milan.
1 new case in Israel: Israeli citizen who came back from Italy.
1 new case in Spain (Valencia): 44-year-old male who traveled to Milan to watch the Champions League match between Atalanta and Valencia of Feb. 19.
1st case in Denmark: TV 2 employee who came home from a ski vacation with his family in Lombardy, Italy (Chiesa in Valmalenco in the province of Sondrio) 3 days ago on Feb. 24 departing from the Malpensa airport in Milan. He bagan showing symptoms of cough and fever on the morning of Feb. 26.
3 new case in Switzerland, including:
- 2 cases in the canton of Graubünden who are symptomatic but in good health. More information will be provided later by the authorities.
- a 28-year-old man who had
returned 3 days ago from Milan, Italy. He presents mild symptoms and is currently hospitalized at Geneva University Hospital. Around 15 contacts of the man have been placed in quarantine at their homes. This is the second case in Switzerland, both with recent travel history to Milan or Lombardy, in Italy.
3 new cases in Germany:
- 1 person in Hamburg
- 1 person in Hesse
- a man in Bavaria, from Middle Franconia, who was in
contact with an Italian man later diagnosed with COVID-19.
1st case in San Marino, an 88-year old man who has been hospitalized in Rimini, Italy.
1st case in the Netherlands: person who had recently visited Lombardy, Italy. He is hospitalized in Tilburg.
3 new cases in Norway:
- 2 persons in Oslo who are connected to the outbreak
in Italy
- 1 person in Bærum who is linked to the outbreak
in Iran
12 new cases in Spain, including:
- a person in critical condition in
- a 22-year-old woman from Tenerife who
went to Milan, Italy between Feb. 19 and Feb. 23. She is in mild condition
- 1 person in
Barcelona who had been to Italy
- 9 people in
Valencia who had been to Italy
1 new case in the UK (the first in Northern Ireland): a person who had travelled to Northern Italy. He is hospitalized at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
3 new cases in Austria (first in Vienna):
- a 72 year old man in Vienna who is seriously ill
- a couple (with two children showing mild symptoms awaiting test results) in Vienna who had recently been on a family vacation in
Lombardy, Italy
5 new cases in Sweden:
- 1 middle-aged woman in Stockholm who had
visited Iran.
- 1 woman in Uppsala who had
been to Germany where she had first developed symptoms.
- 2 persons in their 30s in Västra Götaland who had had
contacts with a previously confirmed case who had been to Italy.
- 1 person in Västra Götaland who had recently
been to Northern Italy.
180 new cases and 5 new deaths in Italy. Among the 472 active cases from an earlier report, 159 (34%) are hospitalized and 37 (8%) are in intensive care.
About 60% of new cases (31 out of 54) diagnosed in Europe outside of Italy in the last 4 days (from Feb. 24 to Feb. 27) had recently traveled to Northern Italy.
Israel’s Ministry of Health is mandating a 14-day quarantine for all travelers who have visited Italy in the past 14 days.

February 28 (GMT):
1st case in Lithuania: a 39-year-old woman who came to Kaunas after visiting Verona, Italy.
1st case in Nigeria: an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos, Nigeria on Feb. 25.