В фольклоре коренных народов Северной Америки пакваджи — это создания маленького роста, с серым цветом кожи, которая может светиться, большими ушами, носом и пальцами, являются отдаленными родственниками европейских гоблинов. Они независимы, хитры, не очень дружелюбны к людям, а также обладают собственной мощной магией. Пакваджи могут исчезать, превращаться в дикобраза или пуму и создавать огонь.
Коренные американцы считали, что пакваджи лучше вообще не трогать. Встретив пакваджи, их не следует тревожить, иначе они отплатят вам, издеваясь или следуя за вами и вызывая проблемы. Они были когда-то дружелюбны к людям, но затем обернулись против них. Они, как известно, похищают людей, сталкивают их со скал, атакуют своих жертв короткими ножами и копьями и используют песок, чтобы ослепить своих жертв.
"Legends of the Pukwudgie began in connection to 'Maushop', a creation giant believed by the Wampanoag to have created most of Cape Cod. He was beloved by the people, and the Pukwudgies were jealous of the affection the Natives had for him. They tried to help the Wampanoag, but their efforts always backfired, until they eventually decided to torment them instead. They became mischievous and aggravated the Natives until they asked 'Granny Squanit', Maushop’s wife, for help. Maushop collected as many as he could. He shook them until they were confused and tossed them around New England. Some died, but others landed, regained their minds and made their way back to Massachusetts.
Satisfied he had done his job and pleased his wife, Maushop went away for a while. In his absence, the Pukwudgies had returned. They again changed their relationship with the Wampanoags. They were no longer just a nuisance, but began kidnapping children, burning villages and forcing the Wampanoag deep into the woods and killing them. Squanit again stepped in, but Maushop, being very lazy, sent his five sons to fix the problem. The Pukwudgies lured them into deep grass and shot them dead with magic arrows. Enraged, Squanit and Maushop attacked as many as they could find and crushed them, but many escaped and scattered throughout New England again. The Pukwudgies regrouped and tricked Maushop into the water and shot him with their arrows. Some legends say they killed him, while others claim he became discouraged and depressed about the death of his sons, but after these events Maushop disappears from the Wampanoags' mythology.