Всем привет! В этой статье я вам расскажу , как ругаться по английски.
- Idiot - идиот (Peter Griffin , you are an idiot!)
- Twit - тупица (You are polite twit , but you re not an idiot)
- Fool - дурак (You are a fool!)
- Moron - дебил (Like some kind of unstoppable moron?)
- Bastard - ублюдок (That bastard! Well , we need to teach him a lesson)
- Jerk - придурок (He was being an unbelieable jerk)
- Dunce - болван (Hey , dunce! This is dreadful! - Good)
- Asshole - кретин , козел (Opened up to you and you judged me. You are an asshole)