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Love... Part 1

Starts in our lives by the term "infatuation", turns to be named as "Love" until you struggle to understand it and finally means its "unconditional responsibility" you commit to your soul till the end.

My experience

At the age of 7 or 8, my curiosity about women started. ( Note - not about the girls who studied with me :D) I started observing my pretty teachers who were in their 20's, how beautiful their faces were, the way they spoke, smiled, walked, and their gestures. ( In India, Sarees our tradition ) The way they worn the sarees so beautifully. Frequently, at home, before sleep, I used to act and show my mother and sister how much i admire them and their beauty. (Not to mention my Mom and my Sister how much they used to laugh and made fun of me). When i made mistakes in my studies or when i dint do my homeworks, they beat me but with a beautiful smile in their face. First times your heart pains and makes you realize that you are still a child :D )

Источник: Интернет
Источник: Интернет

At the age of 12 - 15 , I was moved to a Boys only School. I started becoming Introvert. I became more shy and a quiet person (everywhere). Painting became my passion. Early Adolescence - my heart was so tender and started imagining of a "dream girl" who would be my love and go to school with me. Morning and evening when i walked to school, i searched for my "dream girl" among those girls of my age, who walked besides me on the streets. I found a girl who was so beautiful and cute. I somehow managed to make her notice me. But never spoke to her except our eyes spoke. I lived in my dream world for months and then finally exams, holidays and the girl was gone. I started focusing on my Studies though my longing for a "dream girl" came and went frequently. Painting became a great companion for me to color my dreams.

16 yrs old, My parents admitted me in a co-ed School for my higher secondary studies. I was afraid too much to face girls as i totally dint have any interaction with Girls as students for almost 5 years. I started worrying about too many things but couldn't discuss this with anyone. "

"How am i going to be bold in front of those Girls, what will happen if i fail or dint study well and if i am shamed in front of them"

First day of my school, my whole body was trembling to see the Girls. I sat quietly in my desk and managed to keep my fear inside. Slowly i started looking around and introduced myself to some boys and started settling down.

Days went, i observed other boys and the way they interacted with the Girls. But still i haven't spoken to even one girl. Few months went, i made more boy friends. Girls started talking to me. Started feeling comfortable with them little by little. I made few Girl friends. Regarding studies i was still above average. ( Rank system we had out of 30 ranks i was at level 10 ).

Things started settling down then this happened.

One day, morning classes started as usual. A girl asked permission to my teacher to enter the Class. She was transferred from another school - 2000 kilometers away.

I looked at her and "THERE SHE WAS".

Heart started beating heavily. Palms and Foot sweated. "ADRENALINE RUSH"

The Romeo in me WOKE UP. My mind said its her, your Soul , your Fate. Who is going to change your whole life path. I felt the Magic.

My everyday got excited after her. I made vows to my self to become the best to impress her.

I studied better than before and came to 3rd place out of 30. Everyone in the Class and teachers turned their attention towards me. I started flying in my dreams. But still i wanted to express myself to her. Being an extreme introvert and still afraid to express my love to a Girl, i decided to play a trick.

Источник: Интернет
Источник: Интернет

First i wanted her to understand my interest in her. She always sat two desks in front of me. One day my teacher was distributing homework notebooks to students. Students in the front have to turn and pass on the notebooks to the students at the back.

She turned and passed the notebooks to other students sitting at back. I looked at her eyes and smiled. She was so clever and got very excited.

I understood that she realized it. She was waiting for her next chance to turn back and see me. After some time my teacher was making fun of a Student who was siting at the last desk. She quickly turned back and saw me with a smile in the tip of her lips. I saw her eyes deeply and smiled without any one noticing us. I left there for the day. From the next day onwards, In the Class, whenever we had chances we gazed at us frequently exchanging our attracting for each other through our eyes. Days went, i started becoming crazy about her and rushed to school everyday to be at the place near her for most of the time.

I took every chance to gift her roses without others attention.

Caste system is deep rooted in India. Everyone would be a victim to it in some way. I am no exception. She belongs to a Brahmin Caste and i belong to a Non-brahmin caste.

I never thought about this trash until that day came. After few months of our exchange of love through eyes. I decided to finally propose to her very romantically.