Rate the business idea: (Vote first) They say that the society that surrounds a person in childhood leaves an imprint on his future life. Children follow in the footsteps of their parents, because they believe that living in familiar conditions is easier. And they simply don’t want to change anything. But there are people who were able to go beyond the usual environment and achieve fantastic success and wealth. FRANCOIS PINOT Born into the family of a wood merchant, Francois dreamed of starting his own business from his youth. After 16 years old, he voluntarily left the educational institution, Francois tried to find application in his entrepreneurial vein. A few unsuccessful years spent trying to earn money, a trip to Algeria - and it went. At the age of 27, Pino became the owner of a timber trading company. And since then, thanks to his own skills and influential friends, the future billionaire has begun the thorny path towards wealth. As of 2020, Pino owns a collection of more than 2,000 pieces of art, several fashion houses, a ski resort and a football club.
The novel early lost its parents, and relatives raised it. He was brought up in several families - first in Ukhta, later moved to Moscow. He was not interested in studying, he graduated from school, but never received a higher education. And he began his career as a mechanic. Having shown extraordinary activity in the 90s of the last century, Roman was able to achieve impressive results. At the end of 2019, he was ranked 10th among the richest people in Russia, with a fortune of $ 12.4 million.
The future famous fashion designer was born into a family of Jewish immigrants, and spent his childhood in a one-room apartment in the poorest quarter of the Bronx. A coup in his mind happened after visiting a schoolmate's house. He was struck not only by the atmosphere at home, but also by the spacious dressing room with many different things. At this moment, young Ralph decided that he would become famous and get rich. In 2019, Lorena was recognized as one of the richest people in the United States with a fortune of 7.5 million dollars.
Sheldon proved by his example to the whole world that if you want to get rich, you have to work. A lot and hard. He himself was born into a poor family and first went to work at age 12. Selling newspapers on the streets. And then, as on the thumb. Entrepreneur, broker, financial consultant. Further already went their own companies and exhibition organizations. Such a busy work led to the fact that in 2007 Adelson took the sixth line in the list of the wealthiest people in the world.
Already at the age of 9, John had to think about where to get money to support his family. His parents divorced, and his mother could not provide the children with everything necessary. Therefore, they had to sell postcards and newspapers on the street. When the financial situation in the family became critical, the children were transferred to a foster family. What affected their state of mind. Degoria even belonged to one street gang. A turning point in his mind occurred after a short skirmish with a school teacher who was sure that nothing good would come of John. Apparently, he decided to prove the opposite, and was able to break into the communityмиллиардеров.
Thanks to hard work, extraordinary thinking, perseverance and optimism, Leonardo was able to achieve unprecedented success. The poor origin did not prevent the Italian from achieving world recognition. At the beginning of the 21st century, Leonardo is the most popular producer of glasses. Its products are associated with success, wealth and confidence in the future. More than half of the optical products in the world belong to Del Vecchio, and he takes second place in the list of the richest people in Italy.
Shahid was born in a middle-income family in Pakistan. At 16, he moved to the states to graduate. During his studies, he had to rent cheap housing and moonlight as a dishwasher. However, difficult conditions did not prevent graduation from the university with honors, and in the future to achieve success in the engineering industry. In 2012, Forbes published his cover photo and called Shahid the living embodiment of the American dream. Khan earned this title with his labor and brilliant mind. And to this day, he is the wealthiest man in Pakistan.
Ian was born into a Jewish family that soon emigrated to the United States. After the death of his mother, Ian dropped out of university and started working. Brilliant mental abilities quickly led the young programmer to success. He is the co-founder of the WhatsApp application, the sale of which raised Kuma to the rank of billionaire and shareholder of Facebook.