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Щвейцария, Q3, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам швейцарское научное издание Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. Журнал имеет третий квартиль, придерживается политики открытого доступа, издается Springer International Publishing AG, согласно данным 2018 г. его SJR равен 0,32, печатный ISSN - 2090-5939, электронный - 2090-536X, предметные области - Здравоохранение в социологии, Патологии и судебно-медицинская экспертиза, Право. Редактором является Магди Харошах, контактные данные - drmkharoshah@hotmail.com, marco.bonete@biomedcentral.com, info@springeropen.com

Вот так выглядит обложка журнала:


Это официальное издание Международной ассоциации права и судебной медицины (IALFS), которое публикует статьи в области судебной медицины, патологии и клинической судебной медицины, а также смежных специальностей. Журнал содержит классические обзоры, тематические исследования, оригинальные исследования, гипотезы и точки зрения, предлагая критический анализ и научную оценку.

Пример статьи, название - Awareness of different forms of child abuse among Beni Suef University students: descriptive survey. Заголовок (Abstract):


Child abuse is a worldwide phenomenon that can cause intense long-term aftereffects.


To evaluate the awareness of Beni Suef University students about different forms of child abuse as well as the size, causes, and complications of this problem in our society and determine the prevalence of physical child abuse.


The study included 1688 students from health science and non-health science colleges of Beni Suef University, Egypt. The study participants were asked to answer a questionnaire of two parts. The first part included questions about demographic data and personal experience of child abuse, and the second part included questions about opinions of participants on child abuse to assess their awareness and if there was any difference in the level of awareness between students of health science colleges and those of non-health science colleges.


Health science college students were more life satisfied and felt more loved. Only 28.91% of the included students were not exposed to child abuse, while 12.59% of them suffered from wounds or fractures as a result of the abuse they were exposed to. About one third of the students thought that the commonest form of child abuse is verbal punishment such as threatening or humiliation and that the age at the greatest risk for abuse was the primary school age. About 68.36% of students thought that sexual abuse is a huge problem in our society. Only 21.56% of students disapproved child corporal punishment. More than half of the students stated that the most dangerous complication of child abuse is psychological problems such as depression. Most of the included students would talk to the child’s parents and advise them if they saw a case of abuse, while the least would call the police. Only half of the students disapproved female genital mutilation (FGM). The strongest predictive factors for FGM approval were rural residence and male sex. Students mainly thought that FGM is a social habit that is carried out for ethical causes. About half of the students approved legal punishment by the court for FGM performers.


A significant proportion of the students experienced physical child abuse which left no injuries in most cases; males and first academic year students show more exposure to abuse. Moreover, most of the students think that child corporal punishment can be allowed although about half of them think that the most dangerous aftereffect of child abuse is psychological problems. Lack of reporting the exposure to child abuse is explained by the largest percentage of students to be due to lack of awareness. Rural resident males show more approval of female genital mutilation. A significant lack of awareness about FGM complications is observed in both groups (the health science and non-health science college groups) and the opinions of both groups are very close.