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Лана Ван

My Burning Man - Part 2 (English version) The Structure

I will try to explain the structure of the world)))) because without understanding of the organization and the rules of Burn, the story about the beauty of this place will be very superficial. Everything shocked me deeply, because in our country the concept of BurningMan would be impossible for such a long period which it takes place in the States (for 28 years), and I am very glad that such places exists on the planet, supported and appreciated by millions.
I will try to explain the structure of the world)))) because without understanding of the organization and the rules of Burn, the story about the beauty of this place will be very superficial. Everything shocked me deeply, because in our country the concept of BurningMan would be impossible for such a long period which it takes place in the States (for 28 years), and I am very glad that such places exists on the planet, supported and appreciated by millions.

My first surprise was very simple - at the entrance I did NOT hang a plastic festival bracelet on my hand (I don’t really like wearing such things, especially in difficult conditions). They are not hung to anybody – there is just a very serious control of people and cars at the entrance. That’s all. Credits of trust towards the event raised up to ten levels immediately - you do NOT need to be comfortable to the organizers, constantly identifying yourself. You are your own organizer. It's difficult to imagine, but believe me, this is very cool)))


The second is layout. We drove into a giant territory. It was a real city, Black Rock City, which has existed for more than 20 years, only for a week per year. For this week it has an official postal address, airport, temple, medical center, post office, library, radio station and car department (for cars -mutants). This is an infrastructure that I saw, and I’m sure there were something that I didn’t know (I heard that there was a kindergarten, for example). The radial structure of the streets made possible to have an address for each camp: radial avenues were indicated by hours and minutes, circular ones - by creative street’s names in an alphabetic order)). It is very convenient to navigate even when you hear the adress for the first time and it’s clear how far this or that place or event is. This concerns an inhabited part. In the an uninhabited area, where the arts and installations are, only an occasion or a mobile navigator, specially created and working on territory, can help. It helped me constantly! Getting lost there is elementary.

The third is the physical energy of participants. The territory is huge and everybody, absolutely everybody is on bicycles, scooters, segways, etc. This is genius because It is utterly impossible to be drunk on a bike, otherwise you just will not get anywhere, maximum - to the neighbors))) ) Therefore, all around are vigorous, athletic and beautiful. Those 5 days I was riding a bicycle more than during all my life. The weather and the feeling of self-safety keeps everyone in tone, otherwise during the day you will just be smudged in the sun, and at night for keeping warm you have to dance or drive or sleep in a warm sleeping bag)))


The tourth, and perhaps the most impressive, is tidiness. There is a rule – don’t litter. You lift every mote, every hair from the ground. And now imagine a camp at a creative festival. And then imagine the gigantic city made of these camps, which appear in absolutely empty, even, shiny- white desert, and a week later, when 70 thousand people leave, the desert remains in its original form. It certainly impressed me, who even in Moscow participate in recycling on my own initiative, wasting a lot of time, trying to sort rubbish in separate bins. All it was about rubbish, and now imagine the used water. Used for washing, brushing teeth, cooking, etc. – is carried away or evaporated under the sun !!!! There is a feeling that it was on another planet, because all people try to leave after themselves a place better than it was before...


The fifth factor is the form of organizing people's life. Such a creative seventy-thousand hord at Burning Man was managed to organize due to the fact that the number of people is divided into groups in camps - and each one conributes into a common matter. Each camp has its own theme, the uniqueness of its presentation and a set of free services: someone repairs bikes (because of the dust they often break), someone treats everyone with plov, someone creates an observatory where you can look at the stars (and there are sooo much), somewhere there is a discussion club, yoga, rollerdroms, somewhere somebody fries steaks, somebody shows films, organizes tea ceremonies, wine tasting, flies airplanes, teaches to manage windsurf on wheels… It can be listed endlessly, because the camps are hundreds. If you want to run in the morning, raise children, listen to scientific lectures, make films, find a workshop on origami or meditate – everything can be found there. If you want to enjoy music and dance - that’s all for you! If you want to ride a bicycle naked– you are welcome! Raves, orgy camps are also at your disposal! Drugs – please! Alcohol is, of course, but only with ID, even if you are over 80)) There , everyone will find everything he wants, which is why Burning Man is different for everyone and opinions are diametrically different sometimes: someone says that there is a lot of art, someone about sex drugs, rock and roll, and someone will tell you about the wonderful breathing practices and shamans. Everyone chooses their own preferences and I can’t imagine what kind of person you need to be, not to like Burning Man - the main thing is to find the right company. And group’ selection is of course the ideal solution.


Of course, you can walk in such interesting places endlessly (everyone does that) - you will be treated and given everything, BUT this fact surprisingly adjoins alongside with a concept as self-sufficiency - you should rely only on yourself and have everything that you may need ( water, warm clothes, UV protection, respirator, glasses), not relying on anyone except for yourself, to have a place of residence and a sufficient amount of food and water there and with yourself. This rule has in its essence a model of a society of successful and harmonious people who are tuned on creation more than consumption. The philosophy of giving is the Sixth surprising discovery and alongside with this my most important failure ... At this festival I had deprived myself of the most pleasant things. My preparation for the trip was very swift and I skiped a lot of useful information ... It seems I took everything I would need. The advice to take souvenirs was not taken by me seriously, because generally, being an interior designer I consider souvenirs to beabsolutely useless trash.

In short, I arrived at Burn without gifts. When on the spot I realized the essence of this rule, i even burst into tears. In order not to be a consumer at this celebration of life, I decided not to carry a mug with me, which would be filled at every step by hospitable kamp-mates)))) It is believed that a mutually beneficial exchange is an element of the consumers’ society. Donation does not mean exchange, and this philosophy, as a kind of social experiment, exists on Burn. You will be fed, given a drink, get dressed, entertained and not asked for anything in return. You can thank the person – but not in exchange, and not even equally, but sincirelly and from the bottom of your hurt . Sometimes people came up to me and gave presents for no reason at all, admiring my hat or photographing my outfit. Or simply because I had a constant happy smile from ear to ear)) These are my treasures - stickers, Polaroid-photos, a pair of beautiful handmade pendants with Burn symbols. They made me happy like a child)) In addition to this general generosity the strangers at Burning Man greet each other and thank them with hugs . This is where one could realise himself having forgotten to take gifts to this event))


The seventh amazing thing is useless of money. I knew about it, but in fact it was very difficult to get used to it)) Yes, preparation is expensive, sometimes it’s a cosmic sum of money, but getting into the Burning Man area, you can buy with money only coffee and ice (profit from their sale goes to support schools of 2 nearby poor towns. While profit from tickets’ sale financialy support the festival itself, maintaining its highest level). All the souvenirs as well as food, drinks, unusual services and creative clothes – are given by people to each other as gifts. This such big contradiction to the festivals, where commerce is based on this, Is done playfully)))


Of course, it is obvious that limitless freedom in such environment is possible only under supervision. The State of Nevada’s Rangers remind of this by their rare patroling the streets. They, of course, don’t grab people in suspicious conditions, but their role should not either be underestimated. Rummages with putting the suspects faces down took place, but I didn’t see it. There is another type of rangers also, а big official group of volunteers providing safety of the event’s participants. Good and evil cops. Brilliant, isn’t it? This eighth thing which pleasantly surprised me))


The Ninth Curious moment is the Perfect Accidents’ Statistics on Burning Man. Firstly, the rules of self-sufficiency and safety are intruded into the heads with Playa dust and people in general are very responsible for their own security, because, you are constantly forced to remember about self-protection. Maybe that's why there were no cases of expleacet madness. Secondly, if a person is under a minimum risk of death, being overheat, hurt, overdosed, he is sent by helicopter to Las Vegas, where you can get medical care not to die))) Everyone is responsible for his own safety. Deaths that year have not been registered.


The tenth thing, that surprised me, was perfectly organized labor. The concept that firstly everyone should work together in order to have a great rest together later deservs big respect. To go just as a spectator means not to belong to this project initially. The ideology of BM is an active interaction in the common case. In my turn, in our microcosm, I used to help in resolving “household” errands and even cooked... And real Burners pass a long way to siquences of arts, camps, art cars, come to the desert in advance and assemble installations. it is spesially difficult, taking into account the special attitude to the garbage, the scorching sun and cold nights. It is a special contingent of people who are successful, highly organized extremely creative. There practically aren’t any unfamiliar beginners in such established camps, because a beginner is a “cat in a sack” who can be a tourist or just an unpleasant person, Unable to do anything with his hands from and needing servants. Someone must confirm that you are an adequate person and will not spoil the rest of others. The camp is like a mini-hostel: you have to live in harmony with everyone and take some of the common responsibilities: like cooking, Ice delivery, entertaining guests etc. This perfectly unites and creates a special atmosphere.


The rules and the spirit of the festival do not allow a situation when the camp is separated and fenced off from other people and do not let guests come in. Therefore tycoon and celebrities, who are many there, is the biggest headache of the organizational commitee))) But somehow all coexist))

The festival’s symbol is the property of the Burning Man non-profit organization. Thus any notice of it in the adverticement of your goods or serveses in everyday life will bring you a penalty))) That’s why, there are no shops with “clothing for Burn”, “tours to Bern” of all levels and luxury. If you can’t get into a average camp, then you agree on anyone or go with a tent))) My case combined the last 2 points))

Well, the final beautiful thing is almost total absense of connection))) This fact greatly changes the society and this is a very important factor in creating the special atmosphere, because - no one is stuck on the phone, or in instagram – it is just some kind of delight! This is often when noisy yards of our childhood are compared to deserted contemporary ones with internet in the houses.This is a very vivid parallel. “Lost & Found” is overloaded by iPhones. Only if you need it to take photographs - you will immediately notice the loss, and if you don’t take a picture by phone, it’s even hard to say where it is.

In general, this event, for almost three decades of its existence by the method of “tests and mistakes” have created a set of perfect rules that surprisingly organically and anobtrusively fitted into the creative environment and gave it a unique shape and atmosphere, where dust is a peculiarity. Dazzling white desert is the best place for art installations in nature, where difficult conditions have their own unique charm! This is some kind of a concentrated version of life several days long. Everything happens by itself - you just leave the camp, and you never know what will happen in a minute.

Of course, I didn’t talk a bit about all traditions - otherwise you will not be interested if you arrive there))
