Modern Russian philosophers say that the succession of generations is not exactly about the Russian people. While Europeans value the stability, peace, and strength of dynasties, each new generation in Russia is a social explosion, a radical change, and a " reset of the classics from the steamer of modernity." So in everything from politics to art. Although the foundations of the past generation are still there, and it is all the more interesting to compare them.
Each historical epoch has a typical image of its representative. The concept of "Soviet man" appeared in the 1920s and fully characterized the social and social system of the USSR. If in other countries any formation was short-lived, then socialism was grown from a seed that turned into a tree deeply rooted in the ground. It seems that some attributes of the USSR are inscribed not only in the cultural, but also in our genetic code. And yet...
Soviet man
The people of the USSR could not imagine themselves without the state, the collective, the heroes of labor and defense. They clearly divided what was good and what was bad, and respected these rules. Any deviation from the norm was considered treason, treason, loss of face. Any criticism of the government and dissent was suppressed, and citizens with Western views on life were considered outcasts of society.
It would seem that what is wrong with collectivism, living for a bright future and working exclusively for the benefit of their state? As it is not so! The expression "Initiative is punishable" was firmly adopted by the Soviet citizens, so they were afraid to propose new ideas, but they nevertheless performed party orders. As for working exclusively for yourself, this is also a moot point. A Soviet citizen by himself could not expect to move abroad without unnecessary delay, to have funds or real estate abroad. But the state's contributions to the economy of the partner countries were huge: more than 3.5 thousand. infrastructure, 144, 3 $ billion for the cause of communism (this is free aid, and forgiven debts, and much, much more). In General, they helped everyone and everywhere. What about yourself?
Loyalty to tradition and discipline began to leave the Soviet citizens after the collapse of the Union. The word "power" has become the most offensive curse, the party nomenclature has been stripped of all regalia and no longer afraid of the wrath of the "powerful". "Inner peace", "anarchy", "freedom of speech", "individualism" and "competition" were the first petrels of "perestroika" and the wind of change.
It's simple: for Western companies opened a new market, and for the citizens of the former Soviet Union-a brave new world (Yes, the same utopia as Huxley). Science and technology continued to develop at a lightning pace; here we could use all the potential that our fathers and grandfathers left us, but the cult of consumption has replaced all the concepts and foundations of the Soviet time. From now on, Western values were given the "green": not without the whims of the mentality, but the Russians began to actively adopt habits and traditions from abroad (Hello "fazendam", financial pyramids and soap operas). Stylists of the Soviet period on originality obviously conceded to the combed fashionistas and fashionistas in color leggings.
Now the world is going through a new phase of development and another generation change. Generation Z – young people born at the end of perestroika and later. They are different. They understand the world order better, choose more carefully and search better, although they probably know almost nothing.