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В будущее невозможно заглянуть, но его реально спрогнозировать.

И сегодня мы поговорим как раз о таких прогнозах. О том, что будет происходить в ближайшие 10-15 лет в одной из важных сфер человеческого бытия - работе. О том, какие профессии будут наиболее востребованными в недалеком будущем (скажем, в 2030 году), вы прочтете на английском - неадаптированные тексты с серьезного сайта - но с небольшой помощью от нас))


ТОП 5 профессий, которых ещё нет на карте и которые появятся в ближайшем будущем

TOP JOBS OF THE FUTURE that don’t exist yet

Personal Education Guide


Going to school is still an effective way (способ) to learn and get recognized credentials. But as we move farther (двигаемся дальше) into the future, it's possible that education will become much more personalized (более личностное) and even more convenient (удобный) than today's online programs.

Personal education guides may act as coaches (выступать в роли тренеров) in helping people choose on-demand courses (курсы, имеющие спрос) or designing training plans that will later be used (будут в дальнейшем использоваться) by freelance instructors.

Besides (кроме того), they may confirm (подтверждать) that their clients have successfully completed those courses and give sort of diplomas recognized (признаваемые) by more and more employers (работодателей).

Brain Implant Specialist


The human brain is incredibly complex (невероятно сложное), but mankind's understanding of how it works is growing faster than most of us (большинство из нас) probably realize. As we combine the rapid advances (быстрые достижения) in neuroscience (неврологии) with the amazing (удивительные) advances in computer technology, we'll end up (в итоге достигнем) with some truly amazing possibilities.

Special computer chips may one day be implanted into people's brains for benefits (преимущества) such as virtual telepathy, memory enhancements (улучшение памяти), disease management (дословно - “управление болезнями”), mood (настроение) regulation, paralysis treatments (лечение), and much more.

Cyborg Designer


By combining (комбинируя) the best aspects of a natural organism with those (такими же аспектами, частями) of an advanced (продвинутого) robot, it may be possible to create a new entity (существо) that is superior (превосходит) to the sum (сумму) of its parts.

So, in the future, highly creative cyborg designers might be in demand (могут быть “в спросе) as humans try to merge (смешать) themselves with machines to transcend (преодолеть) their natural limitations (ограничения). Non-human cybernetic organisms may also be developed (быть созданы, разработаны) for use in health care, entertainment, sports, space exploration (космические исследования), and many other industries.

Space Tourism Guide (гид)


Companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic already have plans to commercialize (превратить в источник дохода) space travel for the public. In the relatively near (относительно близкое) future, space tourists may be going into orbit for family holidays, a little adventure, or even to conduct business (вести дела). If bases are established (будут установлены) on the moon, they may be going there too.

Of course, most of us aren't astronauts. That's why special guides will be needed (будут необходимы) to help people prepare for space travel and get adjusted (приспособиться) to the new environment (обстановка) once they're (как только они окажутся) in orbit.

Extinct Species (вымершие виды) Revivalist (тот. кто возрождает)


Human actions continue to cause (вызывать, быть причиной) the extinction (вымирание) of plants, animals, and microorganisms. In many cases (во многих случаях), we don't realize (не осознаем) how important those species are to the health of the world's ecosystems until they're gone (пока они не исчезнут).

As zoologists and other scientists learn more about the widespread (распространенные) ecological effects of extinctions, it's becoming clear (становится ясно) that many species play critical roles in supporting (в поддержании) the environments (окружающей среды) that humans rely on (полагаются).

So conserving (сохранение) disappearing species is often essential (критично важно). But science may also advance (продвинуться до, сделать рывок) to the point that we can actually bring back (вернуть) some of the species that have already gone extinct (уже исчезли) and reintegrate (заново интегрировать, ввести) them into their natural environments.

А теперь - то же самое, но без подмоги:

Personal Education Guide

Going to school is still an effective way to learn and get recognized credentials. But as we move farther into the future, it's possible that education will become much more personalized and even more convenient than today's online programs. Personal education guides may act as coaches and counselors in helping people choose on-demand courses or designing customized training plans that utilize freelance instructors. And they may provide confirmation that their clients have successfully completed those courses and earned alternative credentials that more and more employers will recognize as being valid.

Brain Implant Specialist

The human brain is incredibly complex, but mankind's understanding of how it works is growing faster than most of us probably realize. As we combine the rapid advances in neuroscience with the amazing advances in computer technology, we'll end up with some truly amazing possibilities. Special computer chips may one day be implanted into people's brains for benefits such as virtual telepathy, memory enhancements, disease management, mood regulation, paralysis treatments, and much more.

Cyborg Designer

By combining the best aspects of a natural organism with those of an advanced robot, it may be possible to create a new entity that is superior to the sum of its parts. So, in the future, highly creative cyborg designers might be in demand as humans try to merge themselves with machines in order to transcend their natural limitations. Other non-human cybernetic organisms may also be developed for use in health care, entertainment, sports, space exploration, and many other industries.

Space Tourism Guide

Companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic already have plans well underway to commercialize space travel for the public. In the relatively near future, space tourists may be going into orbit for family holidays, a little adventure, or even to conduct business. If bases are established on the moon, they may be going there too. Of course, most of us aren't astronauts. That's why special guides will be needed to help people prepare for space travel and get adjusted to the new environment once they're in orbit.

Extinct Species Revivalist

Human actions continue to cause the extinction of various plants, animals, and microorganisms. In many cases, we don't realize how important those species are to the health of the world's ecosystems until they're gone. As zoologists and other scientists learn more about the widespread ecological impacts of extinctions, it's becoming clear that many species play critical roles in supporting the environments that humans rely on. So conserving threatened species is often essential. But science may also advance to the point that we can actually bring back some of the species that have already gone extinct and reintegrate them into their natural environments.

Наши ученики курса Эволюция разговаривают с преподавателями по телефону на самые разные темы. Главное, говорить о том, о чем ученику интересно беседовать на родном языке. Только так получаются долгие и интересные беседы.

Ученики не испытывают зажима и стеснения. Они полностью раскрепощаются и спокойно говорят на английском языке в течение 15 минут. И так каждый день!

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