1. Useful links and news from the world of management
Vedomosti – there is an interview with the Mayor of Yakutsk, who is the most popular regional Russian politician in social networks.
Rusbase – there is an article about strategic planning.
New articles of HBR Russia that are now in the public domain.
Ideonomics - there is a fresh look on what genius is
Colta make us wonder: what has changed for the last decade?
and the last but not least - Zehmedia reasons why the fiction is good for our self-efficiency.
2. “Behave. The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst” by Robert M. Sapolsky – review
We (Lomonosov Research) asked two people from MSU why this book is so important for managers. And there are their statements:
- The book captures our attention thanks to the gradual approach in complex phenomenon’s explanation.
- The book shows us biological basis of social and many others constructors, for example, moral, aggression, parents-to-children relations and so on. It’s crucial for management science, especially the aspects of neuro-economics and neuro-law.
- There are sections that you definitely can use in your own professional practice, such are chapters about moral values and empathy.
3. Comments on overview of “Digital Economy 2019” report (by United Nations)
Our attention was drawn to the process of measuring digital economy and related value creation.
Firstly, an increase in the value is provided by digital data and digital platforms.
Secondly, the value is enforced by converting digital data in artificial intelligence, which causes the commercialization.
Talking about innovations, we’d like to point out the report “Scoping the OECD AI Principles Deliberations of the Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence at the OECD (AIGO)».
4. Notes on the process of making decisions in management (based on the works of Herbert A. Simon)
The structure of taking managerial decisions which was offered by Herbert Simon is the following:
Collecting data – structuring - making a choice (decision)
According to the common rule, the challenge of the first step (collecting data) lays in the probable risks.
The same time researches on this phase of decision-making process have also several advantages. To identify a useful research there are principles of “bounded rationality” and “satisficing”.
Taking the view that there can be no ideal decision, we still reckon that there is always a place for a satisfactory one.
And this kind of decision is what we should find.