Have you ever in your life felt like you finally found something to write about? Have you ever caught yourself on craving to tell everyone your story so they could share feelings with you? And you wanted to post it right here right there, but the moment was wrong? Have you told yourself "I'll do it in the evening when I'll have more time" and then did nothing because of being tired or accidentally busy or whatever?
I've been to this situation quite recently and now realized how wrong I was when gave up on my story just for few more minutes of sleep.
That is what happens all the time. You have an idea or a topic you have a word on, but suddenly something distract you and POOF! You start to forget every little detail first and feelings after. Since that, you can't find any reason why would you need to tell the world what you had inside once. It doesn't make you feel anything anymore; it's not worth the time even to try to share with someone.
Sometimes nothing really distracts you. The only think that stops you from getting down to business is yourself only. Avoid it. Don’t think of people’s reaction on your results, just sit down, take some paper and pen or open “notes” on the phone/computer and put down everything inside.
But it does worth it. Your story, your ideas, your feelings deserve to be spoken, wrote, read, listened. Everything you carry inside mean something to the world. Maybe not for your siblings, maybe not for your neighbor, maybe not for you at this particular moment, but for someone out there who might be interested in your opinion.
So here I am asking you not to give up on what you think and what you can tell. I also ask you to be brave and believe in yourself, to inspire people around you and share your ideas among them, to listen, to tell, to make sure your presence is noticed! Don't let the magic disappear because of no action.