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In search of structuring emotions. Part 1

Emotional phenomena are characterized by a wealth of content, the specificity of which is determined by the psychotype of the individual, depending on a number of factors: heredity, living conditions, the influence of culture and education. In the field of view of domestic psychologists there is still no interesting aspect from a scientific point of view - finding a basic, universal or structurally forming emotion.

source: Yandex. Pictures
source: Yandex. Pictures

In this regard, the scientific interest is the problem of structural-forming emotions, the search for which has long attracted the attention of scientists. Intensive formation of emotions occurs as the consciousness grows in adolescence - the emotional sensibility of growing people serves as a resource for the subsequent life of a person as a person.

According to the number of leading emotions, the theories can be divided into mono- and poly-oriented ones. Thus, in the structure of neurotic personality the main emotion is anxiety, which dominates in experiences. There are attempts to deduce the most healthy emotion, which is traditionally considered joy. In the culturological context, suffering as a basic emotion that determines the mentality of, for example, a Russian person, as well as pride associated with national consciousness and patriotism is of interest.

Two-dimensional models of emotions show the congenital and got levels of the emotional phenomena. The first includes emotions that carry the motive of cognition - curiosity, interest, surprise, the second - more complex, complex alloys of emotions - love, hatred, jealousy.

The disadvantage of many Western theories is the lack of attention to calmness as an indicator of balance, the balance of the emotional sphere of personality. Calmness can be considered in different interpretations:

  • as a mental warehouse of personality;
  • caused by the influence of temperament and character traits;
  • the state of lack of actual needs;
  • the balance of needs and opportunities;
  • the implementation of goals;
  • the index of emotional intelligence

The idea of multiplicity of basic emotions is reflected in the idea of continuity of emotional phenomena, which means that there is no critical moment of disappearance or absorption of one emotion by others. Calm can mean the central part of the spectrum, the point of intersection of differently directed emotions.

Basic emotions in adolescence are polymodal and are dominated by feelings of adulthood, empathy, anxiety, a teenage complex of emotionality that includes selfishness, depression, self-criticism, social emotions such as friendship and love, and feelings of loneliness.

Polymodality also manifests itself in emotional disorders, which include emotional stress, inadequacy, fear, aggression, and hypochondria. In general, adolescents of both sexes are characterized by mild arousal, abrupt changes in moods and experiences, impulsivity in behavior, disguise indifference to anxiety, anxiety, grief, and frustration, but there are gender differences: girls are more characterized by emotional disorders in the form of resentfulness, tearfulness, and continuous changes in mood, and boys' emotionality becomes more expressive, and their behavior manifests itself in vanity.

Central education in the emotional sphere of adolescence is a sense of adulthood, manifested as a subjective experience of readiness to be a full member of the adult community, expressed in the desire for independence, the desire to prove adulthood, to achieve respect and consideration for the views of adolescents by older adults.

The Affect of inadequacy is a violent, uncontrollable reaction that does not correspond to the intensity of its occurrence. This phenomenon is characterized by the mismatch between the overestimated self-esteem and the level of claims to the real possibilities of the individual, the desire to preserve self-respect and a special status in the team.

Depressive states are facilitated by the inconsistency in moods, motives and desires of the teenager, depleting mental resources. It is possible to experience depression without open demonstration and obvious reaction to loss. However, teenagers tend to lead an active lifestyle characterized by hastiness in establishing new emotionally colored relationships. According to psychoanalysts, depression is a normative reaction to separation, which is replaced by an improvement of emotional state when changing the phase of development from teenage to youth.

source: Yandex. Pictures
source: Yandex. Pictures

Empathic experiences are expressed in a humanistic and egocentric form of empathy. Its deficiency is often a consequence of the emotional deafness of parents, manifested in their indifference to the feelings and moods of children, their thoughts and feelings, and then leads to indifference of the teenager to the emotions of others.

The teenage complex of emotionality is a new formation of pronounced psychological characteristics of the age, including unreasonable mood swings - from unrestrained fun to despondency and back, as well as the alternation of other opposing qualities.