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|About child|

Have you, guys, ever had any affairs with the little ones? I have and here is what I think of one particular child.

I have a sister, which is14 years younger than I. Such young and intelligent, she easily becomes your most favorite subject at a time or worst nightmare of all times, because of her endless energy and inquiring mind. Her appearance is simply beautiful: one of the persons that always look perfect on each photo.

But what is wrong, you'll ask? Through all those years I've been always somewhere around her. We never part for longer than couple months. And in her eyes I see, like there is nobody around who would do for her everything I do. But I'm tired of putting away my interests as it has always been. And I can't leave her, because she is probably the loneliest kid I've seen.

I won't speak for situation in the whole world, but in 2019 in Russia things are going not that well. I mean, like 15 years ago you would easyly let you 6 year old child play with friends outside, being sure everything is going to be okay. Nowadays you won't let outside even 15 year old boy with a phone, even if you could control his every step.

Another thing bothers me as well. Being the youngest, my sister obviously has different interests and needs somebody to share it with. Meanwhile, my family pretty much never really want to spend their precious time on anything unnecesary. On the other hand I'm craving for personal space, but just can't leave this lonely child to sit alone and suffer.

I feel completely like the sun on the picture bellow.

So now I'm stuck. I really need some fresh air and room to breathe, but even at this very moment she is almost dancing on my head, trying to get more of my attention. If you know what to do in this kind of situation, just let me know, please.