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Haiku challenge Day 3:

Just the Author (thumbnail by me)
Just the Author (thumbnail by me)

Ya may seem a joke,

But being crushed by a wall

Is totally fine.

Iron Butt-Monkeys,

We get humiliated

A lot in our lives.

Willing to take on

More than ten people at the fort....

Well, at least ya tried.

We both have a lisp,

But still get our point across

Almost without fail.


These were the last bits of information about the secret person. Try to guess in the comments, who it was. Onto the normal haikus.



Concentration is

One of the most difficult

Things for me to do.


Wet owl on the sill.

Kinda mad, but happy, too -

Commandante Yoll.


Sleeping peacefully,

A cat on my stomach lies,

So adorable!


Peaceful kitty nap -

So warm, that I'd give my heart

To dive into love.


Self-isolation's dumb.

Can't take a walk peacefully

In a nearby park.


An old tree cut down -

So many memories were

Thrown to the abyss.


An old bushy den,

Where I hide my sacred thoughts

Of artworks yet to come.


Lonely flower-bush...

Must be how an introvert

Feels when in public.


Resting Venus-girl.

Sometimes we chat with each other,

While she kneads me.


Spring is in blossom:

Buds on trees, babies and grass -

New to this planet.


On a forest lawn

Freedom has been resting since

She was at her dawn.