Erudition is knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum, so interest in technology and technical specialties among girls is the result of the independent expansion of their horizons in this field.
Erudition of girls related to their interest in the professions of technique. This may be due to the fact that the school subjects of girls, unlike the subjects of boys (labor education), are not related to technology.
At the same time, there is a significant negative correlation between the erudition intelligence indicator and interest in the communication, business and risk groups of professions. This indicator of intelligence is developed by a person in the course of self-education.
Thus, we can assume that erudition is some obstacle in communication with people and vice versa.
First of all, the development of erudition is the study of various literature. This way of obtaining information about the world can be considered safe and passive, which to a certain extent contradicts the nature of such groups of professions as business and risk.
The indicator of intelligence visual logic in both sexes has no reliable correlations with any professional sphere. However, unlike girls, boys have a reliable negative correlation between this indicator of intelligence and interest in the group of professions nature. It can be assumed that young men's perceptions of the professions in this group are incomplete and to a small extent correspond to reality, which explains the low interest.
Unlike boys, girls have a positive correlation between the visual Logic intelligence indicator and professional interest in technique and science. Well developed spatial thinking in a certain group of girls plays an important role in constructive and technical activity.
Imaginative representation of the surrounding world and natural phenomena plays a significant role in scientific activity as well. In science, schemes, drawings, models, etc. are often used to describe various scientific phenomena, so girls with well-developed visual logic are interested in the professions of science.
The opposite pattern, i.e. a reliable negative correlation, is observed in girls between the visual logic index of intellect and the interest in the professions of communication. This means that girls with well-developed visual logic are not interested in the professions of this sphere. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the interest in technology and science, expressed with a well-developed visual logic in girls, prevents communication with peers.
The abstract logic intelligence indicator for both boys and girls has a positive correlation with the group of interests in the professions of science. This means that students of both sexes with a well-developed abstract logic have a high level of interest in research. I assume that this is due to the formalization of the knowledge that takes place in research activities, which requires a high level of development of abstract logic. This is why interest in science is largely related to the level of development of abstract logic in both sexes.
Unlike girls, young men have reliable feedback between this intelligence indicator and interest in the group of professions nature and risk. We can assume that this pattern is due to the fact that young men with well-developed abstract logic are more interested in theory, research than in applied aspects and practice, without which it is impossible to imagine the professions of nature and risk.
For girls, there was reliable feedback between the abstract Logic intelligence indicator and the interest in the professions of the business group. This may be due to the fact that girls with well-developed abstract logic are more interested in the formal world than in the practical activities required in business.
At the same time, there is a positive correlation between the abstract Logic intelligence indicator and interest in the art group of professions. In this test, abstract logic refers to a group of verbal abilities and reflects the ease of constructing and understanding grammatical structures, abstract reasoning (abstraction from a specific practical context), and the ability to create oral and written texts of varying degrees of complexity. In art and the process of creating it is especially important to have a good imagination, which is associated with abstract logic. Probably, as applied to this test, a high indicator of abstract logic in girls is more indicative of their interest in literary art.
The intelligence indicator attention in both sexes has no reliable correlations with any professional interest. However, young men have a positive correlation between this indicator and interest in the sign group of professions.
Undoubtedly, attention is especially important in the professions related to interaction with different sign systems, because a random error can lead to incorrect calculations or distortion of meaning. At the same time, young men have a negative connection between this index of intellect and interest in the group of professions nature. I suppose that this fact can be explained by the fact that nature is not connected with active thinking activity and therefore does not require attention.
Unlike boys, girls have a positive correlation between the intelligence indicator attention and interest in the groups of professions science and technology. In these professions, it is extremely important to follow certain algorithms of action to avoid mistakes. That is why girls have a high interest in these professions, with a high level of intellect attention.
Both boys and girls have a positive correlation with the group of interests in the professions of science. This means that both sexes have a high level of interest in science with a high level of intellect. This is quite obvious because in a scientific activity it is necessary to possess extensive knowledge and be able to operate with it. The literature also notes that more intelligent teenagers with an established professional identity have more interest in research, biology, chemistry, and medicine.