In today's vibrant world, there is a need to respond quickly to changes in the labor market. This leads to an increase in public interest in the problems of professional self-determination.
The majority of the existing vocational guidance methods focus on the diagnosis of interests and aptitudes, bypassing the diagnostics of abilities.
The hypothesis
There is a connection between the indicators of intelligence (calculations, vocabulary, erudition, visual logic, abstract logic, attention, general intelligence score) and the choice of the sphere of professional interests of students in grades 8-11, such as:
- technology;
- science;
- art;
- communication;
- business;
- sign;
- nature;
- risk
In order to identify the presence and nature of the relationship between the indicators of intelligence and professional interests of high school students, we chose the coefficient of linear correlation of Pearson.
Results and discussion
Between boys and girls in terms of professional interests and propensities. Therefore, I have carried out a correlation analysis between the intellect indicators and the professional interests of students separately for boys and girls.
The indicator of intellect Calculations has a reliable inverse correlation both among boys and girls with the group of professional interests Art. This means that both sexes have a low interest in the Art group with good computational ability. On the contrary, those who are interested in art do not have the ability to calculate. In computing, it is necessary to apply strict algorithms of action, accuracy, reasonableness, impassivity, which contradicts spontaneity, impressiveness, emotionality and strong expression of feelings, which are so important in the professions of Art.
Unlike boys, girls have a positive correlation between the Calculations index of intellect and the interests to the groups of professions Technique, Science, Sign. I assume that this pattern may be related to the influence of society. There is a stereotype in society that boys should calculate well, but girls are not required to do so, and often their success in computing is not noticed.
Thus, girls need to put more effort into learning to prove their worth. The advanced computational ability of some girls is a major factor in their interest in professions where this skill is useful. This is confirmed by the fact that the share of women in Russian universities in the last five years has been steadily increasing for some male specialties (Marine Engineering, Water Transport Management, Power Engineering, and Power Engineering, Information Security).
Unlike girls, young men have reliable feedback between the Computing intelligence indicator and interest in the Nature group of professions. This is probably due to the fact that young men's ideas about these professions have more applied aspects (such professions as veterinarian, horticulturist, agronomist, etc.), which do not require complex calculations. Young people are more attracted to technical, scientific and engineering specialties: aviation and rocket-space engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, physics, electronic engineering, etc., which, apparently, do not belong to the professions in the field of nature.
The Lexic intelligence index has a positive correlation between boys and girls with the Art group of professional interests.
This suggests that both sexes with a well-developed vocabulary have a rather high interest in the professions of Art. The rich vocabulary and the ability to use it competently affect the expressiveness of speech, which, in our opinion, is important for the interest in certain types of art, such as literature.
Also, both sexes have a reliable, but inverse correlation with the given index of intellect with the professions of Business sphere. High school students who demonstrate high values of the Lexic intellect index are likely to be keen on the humanitarian sphere, reading various literature, so the professions of such an applied sphere as a business are not interesting to them.
At the same time, unlike the young men, girls have a positive correlation between the Lexicon intelligence index and interest in the professions of Science. It can be assumed that the highly developed vocabulary of girls is associated with greater diligence, organization and discipline in educational activities compared to boys, which is an important characteristic of scientific activity, and that is why the professions of Science attract girls with well-developed vocabulary more.
Also, unlike boys, girls have a reliable, but negative correlation between this indicator of intelligence and interest in the professions of Communication. Perhaps, the passion for reading, without which, we think, it is impossible to develop vocabulary, hinders communication among girls. They are more interested in literature and the art world than in living interaction with people.
The Erudition index of intellect has a positive correlation between young men and women and the Science group of professional interests. This means that both sexes have a high interest in the Science group of professions with a high level of erudition. This indicator of intelligence expresses the level of cognitive activity, and this is the basis of scientific activity, which requires extensive knowledge of the world around it.
Unlike boys, girls have a positive correlation between the Erudition index of intellect and the interests to the professions of Technique and Art. It is likely that girls' erudition helps them equally to express their interests in both the technical and humanitarian spheres. A professional interest in art with high erudition rates may be due to the fact that art includes various aspects of the environment that are transformed in the process of creativity. Therefore, girls with a high intellectual value of Erudition have an increased interest in the professions of Art.
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