Appearing on 'Good Morning Britain' show, Jim Davidson, a man who has recovered from Bankruptcy thanks to an automated Bitcoin trading platform, called BTC Profit . The idea was simple: allow the average person the opportunity to cash in on the Bitcoin boom. Even if they have absolutely no investing or technology experience.
A user would simply make an initial deposit into the platform, usually of £200 (or $250, as the platform works with USD) or more, and the automated trading algorithm would go to work. Using a combination of data and machine learning, the algorithm would know the perfect time to buy Bitcoin low and sell high, maximising the user's profit.
To demonstrate the power of the platform Jim had Kate Garraway deposited £200 on the live show.
After her initial deposit for £200 was made, the trading platform went to work buying low and selling high. Within 3 minutes, she had successfully increased her initial funds to £323.18. That's a £143.18 profit.
Everyone on the show including the production staff were immediately impressed by how easy it was to make money. The platform handles all the trading work automatically, and because the price of Bitcoin is quite volatile, there are numerous opportunities to profit.
Before Jim even had a chance to respond to everyones questions, Kate interrupted and said with a smile on her face: "I've gone up to £398.42 after just 8 minutes".
BTC Profit Now
We decided to put BTC Profit to the test, to see if it was really possible for you to make money using the platform.
Here's the deal: We quickly discovered that the platform charges a commission of 2% on profits a user generates and you need to make a minimum deposit of £200 to get started. That money will be your initial investment, which the trading software uses to trade.
Also, we learnt that BTC Profit makes money by buying when the price goes up AND selling when the price goes down. This is known as short-selling, and the platform handles it for you automatically.
MY RESULTS WITH BTC Profit AFTER 7 DAYS: I decided to sign up for an account with BTC Profit , I made the initial deposit £200 and set my account to active.
On the show, Kate was able to make £143.18 in profit after 3 minutes, for me, it took much longer. The platform took 20 hours to generate an £139.19 profit, which still impressed me a lot! I've never purchased Bitcoin before and never made a trade in my life, yet here I was able to generate profits.
After 7 Days my initial investment had traded up to £1,930. At this point, my mind was racing with possibilities of all the things I could spend that money on. This is more money than I made at work for the week and I spent less than 30 minutes checking the platform.
I decided to keep my account active for 15 days in total because I wanted to see how high it could go. My account eventually hit a peak of £6,380.10 but had a negative -£79.51 trade. I looked through my trading logs and discovered that not every trade is profitable, some actually lose money.
The platform isn't magic, but after 70% of my trades were profitable, the net result was I made £6,300.59 from my initial deposit of £200. It took me less than 30 minutes of work a week and absolutely no technical or investing experience.
As you can see from the screenshot below, I decided to use the 'withdraw funds' function to withdraw £6,300.59 from my account.
All in all, I was able to make £6,300.59 from using BTC Profit . I decided to pull my money out to pay for an overseas holiday. When I get back, with the money I've got left over from my holiday, I will definitely reinvest in BTC Profit . I may even quit my job!
Note: It took 48 hours for my money to be deposited into my personal bank account.
Right now, BTC Profit is allowing our readers to try the platform for a minimum initial deposit of just £200. You can withdraw this amount at any time you want.
Given the massive increase in popularity of the trading platform, this initial minimum deposit may increase!
It is crucial that you sign up for BTC Profit immediately, as we do not know how many places will be available
You can fund your account via credit card or a bank transfer.
There are three steps to get started:
1. Sign Up For A Free Account
2. Deposit The Minimum £200
3. Use The Bitcoin Trading Platform To Earn Profits
Note: You can withdraw your profits or initial deposit at ANY time by using the 'Withdraw' button inside the platform
Step 1: Enter Your Details To Sign Up For A Free Account
Step 2: Deposit The Initial Minimum Investment Of £200
Step 3: Withdraw Your Profits (or keep them invested to generate more profit!