Sergey worked as CEO of a construction company. He was jealous that everything was going so well in his life: a great job, a high position, a salary of 300,000 per month, a happy family, a beautiful wife and a smart daughter.
Of course, Sergei did not become CEO at once. I had to try very hard and go beyond the limits of society.
In 2004, he was appointed Chief Engineer, but he saw himself differently in life. He wanted to join a construction company in Voronezh. The head office and founders of the company were in Moscow. For this decision he was very much criticized by his parents, who worked all their lives in one place, in their collective farm. Friends with the words: "Who needs you there?" - They also said that it was not real.
Sergey asked his uncle to put in a good word about him. My uncle was very wise. He gave only his phone number and address in Moscow with the words: "Next, nephew!"
At the interview in Moscow to the question: "Who do you see yourself as in our company?". Sergey answered clearly: "CEO!"
The tension hung in the office, there were three other employees who were surprised by his audacity and assertiveness! He was told that they would think about it and let him go. Sergei left the office as a winner! With a feeling of pride, joy, lightness! He could, he found it himself, he came himself, he had an interview! The first time he did everything himself! He was hired, but first deputy director of production. It was very cool!
And after a while, he did become CEO.
Before the 2014 crisis, everything was just fine! He worked, earned his living and did not know grief. In 2007 he bought an apartment in Moscow as a mortgage. He paid my mortgage quietly from my salary. His wife was also earning well. In general, their lived in abundance.
But the 2014 crisis changed everything.
Costs were rising sharply, and income at work was falling.
First, the bonuses were cut and only the salary was left. And gradually the salary decreased to 100,000.
Sergey dreamed of freedom! He wanted to earn his first million dollars by the time he was 47. Given the bad things at work, he got involved in business and began to sell online at the same time.
In September 2015, Sergey signed up for a consultation with me. He was sitting on the front row, so confident, strong, successful.
In a personal conversation, I immediately felt that he was not doing his job. I hinted to Sergei that I see him differently in life.
His mission turned out to be: "A BIG BUISNESSMAN".
Sergei left the construction industry because he believed that there was a crisis. But at that time everyone had a crisis, and no money was paid. So he turned on the wrong path and started to do business, which was not his.
I insisted that he should come back. It was in construction that I saw his great success. He believed that there was a crisis. He didn't understand how to go back there and what to do, and even to earn 200,000 and more.
I asked him to focus on it and to raise all his old connections. "Look for a job with an income of 300,000!" - I told him. But he couldn't believe it.
We had a consultation where I told him how I could see everything and why he would do it. Most importantly, he believed that there was at least one company in the construction industry where he could get 300,000 as CEO.
He believed it!
Immediately in October 2015, Sergei manages to sell his apartment in Voronezh. He sold the apartment for 2 million dollars and immediately wanted to distribute the debts to banks, friends, including his wife. I stopped him and asked him to keep at least 1 million. The money gives him a sense of security and peace of mind, and he needed it just then.
And the second million I asked him to dispose of as wisely as possible and distribute only the most urgent debts.
Already in December he received a call, which he had been waiting for 2 years!
It was a sign from the Universe that we were going in the right direction. He was offered an interview. That was it!
He was hired as General Director of a branch of a subsidiary company of "Spetsstroy" of Russia. The main branch of the subsidiary company was in Voronezh. Sergey was rented an apartment and paid for, a car and a driver were given. And the salary was 200 thousand. His friends and acquaintances did not believe that he had found this job at Head Hunter. And he believed and found it!
Sergei wrote to me in Skype:
"From the new year I put $5,000 aside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He's never put it off before, and he's never had any money!
In mid-October 2017, we held a coaching session - Sergei boasted that his income had been 580,000 in two months. Sergey did not even understand how it happened.
Sergei was very good. He is very wise! Everything he wants comes true. He learned to believe. He learned how to work with his subconscious and attract to life what he wants.