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Shrine of Kyrgyzstan

Good afternoon! Have a nice experience!

About the fact that Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan, located at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers above sea level, and its maximum depth is seven hundred and odd meters in second place in the world, after Baikal, by the degree of transparency of water, today it can find out everyone.

FOTO: https://pixabay.com/ru/photos/озеро-горы-природа-пейзаж-4208406/
FOTO: https://pixabay.com/ru/photos/озеро-горы-природа-пейзаж-4208406/

But from this moment on, beginning, reading these lines, I envy me, because I was there, I lived for two days in a real Kyrgyz yurt some fifty meters from its slightly brackish and fairly cool waters. Although translated from the Kyrgyz Issyk-Kul means "hot lake". Probably because the water never freezes him. Kyrgyz people respect and cherish their “fresh sea" with sand almost everywhere, similar to the Egyptian, shores.

In order to stay, we chose this place on the shore, because we noticed from the highway a flock of white yurts, which was whimsically spread out near the water itself. One of them, with an unpretentious ornament under the roof, we especially liked, and we started negotiations with the hostess, a young Kyrgyz woman with dazzling white teeth and a bunch of kids.

I breathed, breathing deeply into the purest mountain air that I wanted to drink so as not to spill a drop. Backpacks did not even disassemble. They just threw them in a cool, dark yurt, undressed, and almost ran to the lake. Immediately plunging into the arms of cool water was impossible, because even if you never thought about whether you have a soul capable of appreciating the beauty, it is absolutely impossible to not be dumbfounded by the high grandeur of what appears before your eyes.

Here, perhaps, an understanding of what is called the mysterious word "nirvana" came to me. Already in the late afternoon, when you experience a barely perceptible languor, but at the same time there are no desires: you don’t want to drink, eat or - on the contrary. And there seems to be no feelings, because you don’t hear your body at all, because nothing hurts in it and does not even experience the slightest suffering. And you don’t sleep in fact: the consciousness is absolutely clear ... This, it seems, is “nirvana”.

- I'm sorry for disturbing you. You won’t have lighters? .. And then I came here with the children, I have four of them, and my own disappeared somewhere.

Already from almost darkness, a middle-aged Kyrgyz came out to our yurt - a slightly blurry athlete of about forty, whose face was overgrown with thick stubble almost to the long, Asian section of his eyes. Seeing a lighter on our table, he took it, lit it, crouched beside it and, looking at the white breakers of the waves of the lake, began to tell. And it seemed that - to no one. To myself. Then, when he left, closer to dawn, I realized that such a nirvana happens.

- I was sitting. Twelve years old. And then, when he returned ... To her returned, of course, to whom else! She already has children. It’s clear that it’s not mine. And whose, I did not ask: she is also a living person ... Is that right? ..

He looked at me. As if seeking confirmation of his words. But he did not wait for my answer, he continued immediately:

“And then she wanted to poison me.” Twice. Once in January and another in April. I pushed some pills and poured me some food. But I'm healthy, I got out. That she was to blame, immediately proved. Her telephone correspondence was preserved with some friend who taught her how to quickly. The second time, she even doused me with vinegar, too, for sure. And she took the children away: she went for a walk with them, which means ...

He smokes, taking a long drag, and continues:

- When investigators began to persuade me to write a statement on her, I immediately said that I would not, because the children have something to live after that, when their mother and father are criminals. He said the current that I do not forgive her, but ...

Again, he takes a long drag on his cigarette. Smoke comes from the nostrils, and he already says why the voice sounds dull, almost stifled, and he almost screams at this time:

- ... I let her go! This is what I told them then. Only I won’t give up the children! Like, I say, not mine? .. Mine, hard-earned! She gave birth to them when she was married to me. So what that I was sitting at this time! They are mine, not hers, of course! .. She, after all, and them ... well, it can kill ...

Then he threw the butt on the ground, crushed it with a foot. I thought it, picked it up from the ground and put it in my pocket, because I was a Kirghiz after all, which means that I saved my treasure lake. He got up and said:

- Okay. I will go. And then the children will be afraid that I have been gone for a long time. You are good people. So we talked great! Come, I live in that yurt ...

He shook hands with us and stepped into the darkness.

And we sat and were silent.

Whether Nirvana continued, or was it a worship of the greatness of man ...