Mr Fastfood had burger and chips for lunch on Monday.
He had chicken nuggets for dinner on Tuesday,
He had cake and ice-cream for breakfast on Wednesday.
He had pizza on Thursday.
And he had fish and chips on Friday.
He was called Mr Fastfood for a reason.
On Saturday Mr Fast Food didn't go anywhere because he was sick.
On Sunday Mr Fastfood had some fruit and felt better.
On Monday he started it all over again and had a burger and chips.
One day a friend of his, Miss Diet, asked him for lunch on the coming Saturday.
"Sorry, I can't, said Mr Fastfood. I always feel sick on Saturdays".
"Why is that?" asked Miss Diet.
"Because I eat fast food on weekdays and then I feel sick".
But you couldn't put off Miss Diet just like that. She had a plan.
On Friday Mr Fastfood went to Miss Diet for a home cooked meal. It was delightful.
Mr Fastfood was so impressed that he learned to cook.
Now he is a chef in Cabbage Delight and as you can see, a completely changed man.
Apart from Mondays though. Monday is his day off and he secretly eats burger and chips.
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