University professional education is important for the youth generation. They are two different points of view on this topic. Some people believe that teenagers should study at university, while others think that it's not important.
In my opinion, studying at university gives you a lot of opportunities. To illustrate, you have high education, bachelor's degree and you had internships, it helps you make a great career. And the better life with benefits. Besides, the university gives you to meet new people, unforgettable memories and of course knowledge.
On other hand , some people believe that university education isn't essential. The opponents main argument is that people can learn all this stuff in courses,which lasts 2-4 months.And after finishing them you can find a job. To show you what I mean, let's get marketing courses. You learn it in special courses and immediately find job.
I can't agree with this opponent. Because, not everyone want to have worker without diploma or high education.
To sum up, if your goals include a medical or scientific destination, it's better to study at the university and have high qualifications. Even if you want to be a poet, it will be helpful. 204-words, author- Madina