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Л and М - ancient pictographs.

Modern letters once came from pictographs. No one knows how the transition from pictographs to modern letters took place. However, we are trying to find out. We already dismantled one, now two more!!

Pictigram of person on Chine's and on Old Slavic's
Pictigram of person on Chine's and on Old Slavic's

Do you think this is the Russian letter "L"? No, this is a Chinese hieroglyph that means a person. In the Old Slavic initial letter “L” means the same!!

And what is L (L) in Latin? L is also a person (capital letter people): a-L-one (alone) - it’s so directly written - L is one, and the meaning of the word alone is that one person. Why does no one notice that in many languages ​​the meanings of the pictograms were the same and even partially preserved in modern words? If you recall the word Leo-Lion - then its meaning is literally Li-on - he is a man. Maybe the lion was a symbol of man in the ancient world? Who was the king of animals: a lion or a man?

Heiroglyphs of the persons and crowds - Л and M
Heiroglyphs of the persons and crowds - Л and M

And what is that letter “M” under the house? No, this is again the Chinese character, which means already a lot of people (crowd). And what does it mean here?

M - this is we (mi in Russian)(many L - people), we this (me-et) is L + L. M is just a double L pictograph. Many-multi - in both words there is M (L + L). Meet - mi (мы in Russian) something (L + L) - meeting in English. Is this a pictograph? The Phoenicians and ancient Greeks have the pronunciation of M (meme, mi) similar to Old Slavic, but the meaning?

About the Old Slavic meanings of the letters L and M, read more in our stream.

Why did the Latin spelling of the letter-pictograph L become different - L? Probably because they no longer understood its original meaning. If you look at Etruscan writing, then this pictograph has one line written shorter than the other and could be drawn both from above and below.

L - after all, was the letter pictogram? Here's another example: a simple word analysis. What does it mean? We read simply not according to the syllables ana-l-is. And now we are changing a little not syllables in a modern way: ana-is-l - it is (from) a man. Is everything right?

Lion in the name of Kleopatra - what is this really means?
Lion in the name of Kleopatra - what is this really means?

In Chinese writing, the meanings of the characters for a thousand years have not changed much. And why is it believed that the Phoenician and other European scripts are purely phonetic? Maybe we need to carefully study it again? Do you need more examples?

All our articles are devoted to new hypotheses of the meanings of words, the history of writing, and languages. And if you liked any of our article - like it. We will also be happy if you subscribe to our channel.