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For parents

Twins are a gift from the gods

Gemini has attracted and area unit attracting special attention at any stage of development of society, and at alternative stages, they need even become the thing of various beliefs. Nowadays, twins area unit in the main inquisitive about psychologists, initial of all, to assess - comparison with the role of biology in personal development - the role of the setting and education.

True or false?

True twins area unit those who develop from a constant creature, referred to as monozygotic in science - have constant genetic inheritance, whereas the digit twins develop in fertilization of 2 eggs and, therefore, biology area unit totally different.

False twins, or twins, could also be of various sex, that ne'er happens to the twins true.

Disputes concerning the inherent and bought properties have currently gone on the far side psychological science, however, the terribly special relationship that arises between twins, inquisitive about psychologists.

Often twins area unit a precise copy of 1 another and develop equally. In such cases, they're able to invent their own language, or rather - the jargon, that is spoken among themselves and that remains a mystery to others.

They perceive one another utterly, however generally they appear to be stopped from the remainder of the planet. However, at some purpose in their development, they suddenly have to be compelled to be divided and exist on an individual basis, having determined the peculiarities of every alternative.

This "rupture" is harder for one issue than the opposite, and it's necessary to require under consideration the reactions of everybody, while not applying either overly radical or overly dogmatic ways in education.

How to answer such special relationships between twins?

For many years, twin oldsters most well-liked to stress their similarities, their complete identity, and their equality - and this was expressed in the main within the indisputable fact that they were dressed constant means.

Today, those oldsters who area unit responsive to the conclusions of psychologists and area unit afraid to impress delay within the development of twins, rather tend to hunt and emphasize the distinction between youngsters. And also the matter isn't solely within the exaggerated influence of psychological science, however conjointly within the indisputable fact that trendy society is targeted on individualism and also the need of an individual to "build themselves" severally.

Any father and any mother recently needs a toddler - in spite of if he's a twin or not - to possess his own individuality.

Twin girls

Indeed, those twins, who represent the precise reflection of 1 another and invent their own language, generally lag behind with the looks of the noninheritable properties, particularly in terms of language, however this can be typical in the main for the third year of life, and by the time you've got to travel to preschool, everything is aligned.

Today, it's believed that it's higher to focus on the variations

- It's higher to decorate twins otherwise and purchase them totally different toys.

- However, there's no have to be compelled to separate them from infancy.

- The relationships that the area unit established between the twin's area unit very vital. Between them, there's a really sturdy attachment to every alternative.

- After you communicate twins, it's vital to stress the distinction between them

- As an example, perpetually decision them by name, avoiding the impersonal "Come on, boys!" or "Girls, hurry up!

- Ensure you've got your own time for every one of the twins.

- After all, it's necessary to require under consideration the realities of life and also the order established within the family, but, as a way as doable, supply the twins differing types of home activities.

Gemini visit preschool

At the age of 3 - once preschool starts - if there area unit enough teams within the garden, most frequently twins area unit separated.

- It's vital to organize youngsters for the likelihood of separation, which is typically one among the twins that is perceived as additional acutely.

- Even supposing the custom of separating twins is helpful for his or her socialization, this tradition, still as any rule, ought to be applied fairly and if necessary, introduced as bit by bit as doable.

- The most issue must always stay respect for the expertise and temperament of every kid.

- Delay in speech development could also be because of difficulties with the individual one.

- At this age, delay in speech development will solely be faithfully recognized by a man of science and/or healer.

- In some cases, separation help for twins could also be provided within the course of psychomotor-related work. Indeed, it's not uncommon for twins to construct a picture of their body supported a likeness of their brother or sister's body: if, as an example, one among the left-handed twins may be a right-handed twin, the opposite may be a right-handed one. If the twin's area unit separated, divided, every one of them affects the formation of the conception of the theme of their own body, which might result in difficulties in coordinative movements, activity advanced motor acts. With the final safety of the system, such disorders area unit referred to as dyspraxia in psychological science.

Starting from four - 5 years recent twins will already build every one of their friends.


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