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How did they steal a car

It's a real story and it happened a few years ago with my friend, his name is Vladimir.

That year, if I'm not mistaken, it was in 2010, Volodka decided to buy a car. Not so that I decided, I had just saved up money by that time, and there was an opportunity to become a full participant of the road traffic. The funds were a little short, so he and his wife took the missing part on credit.

It is said - done! The choice fell on Toyota Korolla 2006 issue. Reliable, family-owned car, which is attractive on the outside, and is quite acceptable. A suitable variant was found quickly, money was paid and Vladimir became the owner of the car!


That day Vovka told me in details, so I am writing with his words. In the morning, he went to the traffic police, put the car on the register. After he received the license plates, I decided to stop by the car wash and wash my beauty. Next, the plan was to visit an electronics store, as the DVR and navigator in our time - things are very necessary without them nowhere.

Vladimir went to a new shopping mall for purchases, and there and the choice is more and the price is low. The only problem is that it is difficult to find a place for parking, but Vovka decided that somehow he could manage. Having arrived at the place, he went to wander through numerous pavilions, jubilating in his soul with the awareness of the fact - he now has a car! Having bought the necessary car gadgets and going down to Toyota, Vovka decided to install an alarm system. Times are turbulent and it is not superfluous to think about the safety of the car.

Coming to the meth where the car was left, he did not understand anything at first. Instead of the new Toyota, there was a void! It's hard to find words to describe exactly the emotions Volodya experienced at that moment. At first he ran forward with the thought - Maybe he mixed up the place and the car stands further, then the same maneuver did in the opposite direction. Nothing, the car disappeared! What to do? He doesn't remember how long he stood on that sidewalk with these unnecessary electronic devices. He remembers that he just wanted to throw them away on his emotions, but he held back.

Then all the memories are as if in the fog. I told him that I wanted to call the police, but still cherished hope for a miracle, maybe somewhere around the corner is his beauty, and he just forgot. Then I called my colleagues at work and consulted them about further actions. The guys said that if they stole it, they wouldn't find the car and shit. One of the colleagues advised to submit an advertisement asking for the car to be returned for a fee. Thoughts were mixed up, but still the acquaintance decided to use the advice and give the ad - so he went home.

There was one unpleasant procedure ahead - it was necessary to inform the wife about the incident, and her reaction could be predicted in advance. Vovka called his wife, told her about the incident, and listened to a portion of compliments addressed to him. His wife advised him to go to the police station and write a report on the theft, Vovka, in turn, wrote that if you do not submit an ad now, then it will be too late. As a result, he submitted an advertisement to the local TV channel and said that it would be aired the next morning.

I didn't want to eat or drink, there was sadness and resentment in my heart - why did it happen to him, why? Before he even got used to the car, he had already lost it. Maybe he lost it forever!

At night he had nightmares where Volodya paid off his credit and walked. As someone passes by in his car, and he runs after him. There were also pleasant dreams, where he found his swallow and rides it happily.

Morning came, and he realized the reality that all yesterday he had not dreamt that his car had been stolen. During the night his emotions calmed down a little and Vladimir, besides the announcement, decided to go and write a statement. What the hell is no joke, he thought to himself, maybe they will find him!

Volodya went to the department very early, he couldn't wait to write a statement to start looking for a car. A few hours passed before the day began, and the investigator began to receive people. In the investigator's office Vovka heard a dry one from the doorstep - What do you have? In response, he said that they stole a car. I told him briefly how it all happened. Where, at what time, under what circumstances it happened. He was ashamed of himself in front of the investigator, because the car was stolen on the first day of its possession. Next, everything is usual: paper, pen, statement, which specifies all the data of the owner and the car.

At that moment, Volod was not wearing a face. The endless sadness about the loss of the car, which he had already managed to love, the awareness that he would never see it again, will never drive.

Having written a statement, Vovka gave it to the employee, who also began to enter data into the computer indifferently. As time went by, the case did not move. Volodya remembered that the announcement was supposed to come out on television, and waited for a call in his heart.

Suddenly, the monotonous knocking of the fingers on the keyboard stopped, Vovka looked at the investigator. The police officer frowned and gave the applicant a look that made him want to fail. After drilling a man with his eyes, the investigator laughed and said, Why are you breaking it? What, why, why, how, what is it - these are the questions in Vladimir's head. The police officer, already more peacefully, turned the computer monitor to Volodya and said that the car was evacuated for incorrect parking. At that time, in our city, the authorities were ruthlessly fighting with this type of traffic violation, and Vovkin's car, as they say, was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I will not say trivial things, but I think that at that moment there was no happier person on the whole Earth than Vladimir. The investigator said that he had to pay a fine and show up at a special parking lot to pick up the car.

I think it makes no sense to tell further. My acquaintance took the car and since then has been using it with great pleasure, bypassing that shopping center several kilometers away.

It's been more than three years, but even now, when we remember that case, we always laugh at Volodya!