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Help the baby talk.


If the child does not speak at the age of two, it is time to seek specialist advice.

In recent years, there have been more and more young children who do not speak. The volume of the dictionary and the quality of the spoken words in these babies do not meet the generally accepted standards, which no one has yet abolished. According to the requirements, by the age of three, a child must be able to speak actively. He or she can ask questions, understands adults' speech, knows the names of surrounding objects and toys, and fully communicates with other children.

If the baby is already the fourth year of life, and in the speech arsenal of him - with a dozen common words, some sound imitations, emotional exclamations, and no verb, then this "speech" can not act as a means of communication with others.

He does not play with children - he is not able to communicate fully. He does not address requests and questions - he cannot. The understanding of speech is also limited by the repeated everyday situation. And there is no quality imitation of adult actions. Of course, the child's brain is very plastic, but the more time passes, the more rigid it becomes.

Mom waits for a miracle: her baby grows up a little bit longer, turns four years old, and everything will magically change, he will talk. She does not hear the arguments of the specialist about the need for counseling and comprehensive assistance, about lost time, about the difficulties of correction, about the formation of negative reactions, about the violation of personal development of the child who is embarrassed by his or her impaired speech.

My mother gives her explanations: "If she doesn't speak in a year, then I will come. I don't refuse to help".

And what will change in a year?

Will the child be motivated to communicate, and somehow he or she will start to repeat and remember things he or she couldn't remember before?

And how do you manage to form a full-fledged speech by the age of seven? How will he study at school?

Will a general education program be available for assimilation? Won't behavioral difficulties appear in a child who doesn't have a full-fledged communication with his peers?

How to cope with the problems of intellectual development, which will certainly arise?

Parents should think about it and in time to contact a specialist, because it is they who choose the future of their child.