When we live side by side with a cat for several years, it's hard to see any changes in their appearance. As a rule, a cat is always active, full of vitality and grace. However, a careful observer will notice some subtle changes.
How old is the cat? What illnesses can a cat develop with age and how can she be cared for at all stages of her life?
Cats have become the main pets of the 21st century. Because of their popularity, better veterinary care and greater awareness of cat nutrition among owners, average cat life expectancy increases.
How old is a cat today? Today, a 15-year-old cat or even a 20-year-old cat is not uncommon.
If you want to keep your cat alive for a long time, it is important to remember that as the age of cats increases, their needs change more and more.
As time goes by, there may be some physiological changes - how do you recognize them and whether or not you need any special treatment or nutrition?
There are certain periods in a cat's life that are worth considering.
7 years, first changes in cat behaviour
Decreased activity, sensory function and hair loss are the first changes that can be observed in cats older than 7 years of age.
At first glance, the animal is still very much alive during the game. However, if you look at it carefully, you will see that it is spending less and less time on activity.
Cats after 7 years also change their daily cycle, or rather the sleep cycle. More frequent but short naps during the day should not surprise the owner.
During this period, cats may also lose their vigilance, which is associated with a deterioration in the functioning of some senses. That's not all. Changes also occur within the body, especially in the physiology of the digestive tract, immune system, kidneys and other organs.
The 12th birthday is another step in a cat's life
After 12 years, there are signs of aging. There are cats that still have a hard time observing any changes, but certainly, some symptoms will be noticed.
For cats aged 12 years and over, changes are not only in appearance but also in behaviour. The first thing that every cat owner will notice is the gradual loss of social connections.
Cats are becoming more and more indifferent to the environment, including people. They are no longer interested in weasels while lying on the owner's lap or having fun. They are sleeping more and more.
As cats age, the elasticity of joint cartilage decreases. Firstly, it causes a decrease in cat activity. In addition, pain during some movements means cats spend less time on hair care. This makes them coarser and duller.
Cat's age and specific needs
As cats age, their needs change, too. One of the most important issues is the other need for energy, which is forgotten by many owners.
The right food provides all the necessary nutrients and supports the appropriate weight of the animal.
Pay attention to your cat's food!
Cats over 7 years old are at increased risk of obesity. This is due to lower physical activity as well as loss of muscle mass in favour of fatty tissue.
That's why it's so important that these cats get food with a perfectly balanced energy level.
It is worth remembering that not all 7-year-old cats are the same. Some are only at home, others go out for a walk, others are sterilised.
Their energy needs will of course be different. For this reason, when choosing food, it is worth considering the cat's lifestyle over 7 years of age.
Don't overfeed your cat, let's feed her more often, but a little bit more. If young cats are to be fed 2-3 times a day, a 3-4 meal a day will be fine for older cats. It is important to give small portions of food so that the food can be absorbed and is not stored in fat.
How to feed your pet, who is 12 years old
Animals are primarily guided by their sense of smell when choosing their food. Unfortunately, the functioning of the olfactory epithelium deteriorates with age. This affects the appetite fluctuations.
In addition, the body begins to absorb fewer nutrients. However, muscle loss is still progressing. Therefore, in order to maintain body weight in cats over 12 years of age, nutrition programmes should not limit their energy reserves.
At this age, it is recommended that cats are given vitamins to ensure that they receive all the nutrients they need.
If you're buying cats food, choose one that is age-appropriate. Many manufacturers produce cat food "older than 7 years", "for older cats". There is also food with recommendations for overweight cats.
Elderly cat health
Remember that cats 10 years and older require special care and attention from their owners. It is not always possible to see the first changes due to age because cats