General Lee was not angry and rebellious. He said: "Since you are so straightforward, I will count you three hundred and sixty knife, haha!"
Zhang Xing smiled and laughed: "Since it is difficult to escape, I simply let go, ask the generals, dare to gamble with me on a gamble?" General Li came to the interest: "Let's talk about it!"
Zhang Xing pointed to the sandals on the ground and said, "I will put the sandals on the left weighing pan first. When I think it is OK, the general can stand on the right weighing pan. If the weight is the same, then the generals will give the next happy; if Inconsistent, the meat that is willing to cut off the body is placed in the weighing pan until the balance on both sides is balanced. How?"
General Li touched his chin and smiled. "I really want to see your 'a grasp.' Just because you have already smashed the general, so let's put the sandals on the right weighing pan. I want to stand. Go to the left weighing pan!"
Zhang Xing gave a thumbs up and praised General Li for a few words, indicating that the soldiers had put down the fat prisoners, and took off the sandals in the weighing pan and put the sandals on them again. Zhang Xing was very slow, and General Li asked: "What are you thinking, why is it so slow?"
Zhang Xingdao: "I am thinking about how many pounds the generals have." General Li wanted to see if he could say right, and he asked. Zhang Xing replied: "The general should have a weight of one hundred and sixty-two pounds." General Li heard the news and was shocked: this kid actually said that the score was not bad, it seems that he really can't be underestimated.
I don't know how long it took, Zhang Xing finally stopped the action, let General Lee set foot on the left weighing pan. Everyone holds their breath and waits for the result. General Li finally stood on the left weighing pan, and the right weighing pan began to rise. After several shaking, he finally settled in the lower position.
Zhang Xing shook his head helplessly, smiled bitterly: "It seems that I lost, and I am willing to gamble and lose, please give the knife!"
General Li looked proud and gestured to hand over the dagger to Zhang Xing. After Zhang Xing took over the dagger, he stepped forward to General Li. General Li suddenly raised his hand and gestured to stop Zhang Xing. He sneered: "You are cutting meat here, don't play tricks with me, or else..."
Zhang Xing’s heart sinks. He originally intended to put a few pairs of sandals on the right weighing pan, let the weighing pans out of balance, and then pretend to perform the bet, ask the general for Li to ask for a dagger, and then wait for the opportunity to make a uniform. All the prisoners of war were lost, but they did not expect to be seen by General Li. How can this be good?
Zhang Xing took a deep breath and reached out to rip the pants on his left leg. He slammed his teeth and shook his head. He cut a piece of leg meat hard! General Lee was unmoved and said with a blank expression: "Throw the meat up!"
Zhang Xing gritted his teeth and threw his legs into the weighing pan. The weighing pan shook a few times, but still did not achieve balance. General Lee said: "It seems that you have to cut it, continue!"
Unexpectedly, Zhang Xing suddenly shouted: "No need!" He slammed the dagger, and the dagger took the wind from the rope hanging from the left weighing pan and cut the rope into a deep mouth. General Li was shocked. He wanted to escape from the weighing pan, but Zhang Xing broke his mind. He saw Zhang Xingchong to the right weighing pan, and pushed hard to push the sandals on the plate.
As a result, the left weighing pan immediately slammed down, and General Lee stood unsteadily and fell on the plate. Under such a strong impact, the rope that was cut is even more dangerous. If it breaks, I am afraid that General Lee will fall into the cliff!
Zhang Xing's ass sat on the right side of the plate, and the sides of the scale gradually recovered. Just then, he suddenly stood up and the weighing pan began to be out of balance. After so many times, the rope on the left weighing pan is near the edge of the break. Zhang Xing sat on the weighing pan again and said: "As long as the generals let go of everyone, I promise you no life!"
Commanding the hand of others, General Lee had to follow the example and show his release, but his heart was calculating: these prisoners of war were mostly wounded on the feet, and the road was rugged, and should not escape far, until Laozi was out of trouble, and one wanted to escape. Fall!
Zhang Xingqiang suffered from severe pain and shouted: "Brothers, it is difficult to find a mountain road, and it is not too late to find a pair of grass shoes." The crowd heard that they had put on sandals and fled the prison camp. When General Li saw this, he really regretted it. He did not expect his well-designed prisoner-catching game, but helped the escape of prisoners of war.
After a minute and a minute, General Lee estimated that the prisoners of war had escaped far away. Even if they were sent out at the moment, it was difficult to catch up. They said to Zhang Xing: "Now they are all safe. Can the general go up?" "After asking several times, Zhang Xing did not answer." General Lee fixed his eyes and looked at it. Zhang Xing was already mad, and the cause of death should be excessive blood loss. General Lee slammed a few feet on his body, his expression screaming: "Take his body to Laozi..."
A year later, General Li defeated the beggar, and a group of soldiers rushed to him in front of him. They took out the dagger and cut off the meat on him. A fat soldier shouted: "Zhangxing brothers, we are finally for you. Revenge..."