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The zodiac sign defines your life. Part 16.

The ablation of self-awareness is so scary, so people will seek other ways to satisfy the desire for self-transformation. One way is to reconnect with the whole through sex and love. The meaning behind it is: “If I am loved, embraced or integrated, I can go beyond loneliness.” Another means is to Through power and prestige, revisiting the omnipotence of omnipotence and omnipresentity, the implication behind it is: "If I can expand the scope of influence, all beings will be related to me." As for indulging in alcohol and drugs, It is another means of breaking the boundaries of the borders. Suicidal impulses and various self-harming behaviors are often used as an excuse to “return to a more enjoyable state of selflessness”. Some people may transform themselves directly through meditation, prayer, or dedication to God. The twelfth house is related to these issues.

Whether by any means, the twelfth house is to "disintegrate", devour, absorb or expand self-awareness. The twelfth house is about letting go of the concept of "I am here" and "you are in him", that is, to blur the line between us and others. Therefore, it is difficult for people who are strong in the twelfth house to have clear self-recognition. They are always influenced by people, things, and things around them. Some people may exaggerate their identity by exaggeration. In addition to sacrificing themselves, they are united with mysterious or spiritual things, and they try to make themselves possess this spiritual character. Some people will not approach God, but will try to play the role of God. This self-expanding mentality is what American-born psychologist Abraham Maslow calls "higher-sidetracking."

The twelfth house will bring a sense of confusion to the self, which will make us lack specific life goals. In a way, we will feel that since everything is one, what is the difference? Once we have established ourselves and began to lay the foundation for life, we will suddenly feel that we are being pumped to the bottom and once again into a state of chaos and ignorance; once we feel that we have mastered something that can make the "self" consciousness depend on it, it will magically disappear. not see. The ability to integrate everything or explore the limits of the individual will be subordinated to a great ablation power, and we are almost powerless and can only bow down.

The blurring line between people and me not only makes us unable to see our starting point, but also recognizes the end points of others, but this confusion will allow us to have deeper compassion and sympathy for others. Some people in the twelfth house are unable to cope with the sufferings around them and tend to escape or stay away from the world. Some people will feel the pain "just there", and naturally find ways to ease the pain. Regardless of the degree, the twelfth house is about the helper, the “fixer”, the savior, the martyr or the savior of “bearing the desires and ideals of others”.

It is easy for us to distort the value of suffering and the nature of sacrifice into "I must suffer to find God" or "I must give up all things that satisfy myself." However, perhaps not those things must be sacrificed, but we need to have a "link" with them. Once we establish self-awareness or sense of accomplishment from relationships, possessions, ideologies, or beliefs, we lose contact with the essence of deep, basic, or elimination of boundaries.

Some people will work hard to pursue the dreams and wishes of the eleventh house, but at the stage of the twelfth house, they will find a more complete happiness, and feel that they have been fooled. They will find that those things that can bring great satisfaction to themselves are simply not enough and can't represent everything. There is a Roman proverb that says: "What can be compared with eternity?" And the twelfth house will constantly remind us that all happiness is eager for eternity.

The traditional view is that the twelfth house (along with other water elephants, meaning the fourth and eighth houses) exposes patterns, desires, impulses, and compulsions that are perceived by consciousness, and these things will obviously affect life. Choices, attitudes and directions. Those things hidden in unconscious memory and past experience will not only affect the way we look at the world, but also our attitude towards the world, but how long can these influences go back?

to be continued...