It's been a very busy day. The Hand's proposal turned out to be very unexpected and John Snow's son agreed to accept it, but was not sure if the decision was correct. He walked through the courtyard, watching the servants snooping around, training Golden cloaks and the courtiers, flocks of small balconies. All this was unusual for a simple guy who grew up far in the North.
Mira and Kamila decided to get out of the castle and walk around the city, Orvin apparently still slept asleep after last night's sleepless night. His brother showed up later in the evening, though Damion was sure that he had been sleeping in his chambers all this time, having had some wine at the reception. The young man sighed heavily, remembering him. On the one hand, he knew that Orvin was not a fool and could stand up for himself if necessary, but he was raised among the free people, and on the other hand, he had the luxury of turning his head and forgotten to be cautious and run into trouble. This place was shown to him by Tyrion Lannister, knowing that the Free People, as well as the Northerners, worship the Old Unknown Gods. Now more than ever, Damion needed their help.
In the air there was a sweet aroma of honey. Daymion sat on soft grass, leaning his back against the heart of the tree, watching butterflies fly from flower to flower, collecting sweet nectar. Leaves rustled quietly, and it seemed that the trees were talking about something among themselves, sharing the secrets and secrets of this world, remaining incomprehensible to people. A gentle breeze gently played with the dark curls of a young man and Damion suddenly remembered the mother. She once touched his hair with her tender hand and sang the lullaby of the Free People. "Bears and seals are sleeping, and you are sleeping in your own bed", - her calm, kind voice was heard.
He did not immediately notice the appearance of his younger brother behind his thoughts.
- Orvin, where you were, Other people, take you away! - When he jumped sharply, he barked at Brother Damion.
- There are no others for a long time! Everyone was killed! - Jon Snow's youngest son winked merrily, slamming his older brother on the shoulder.
- I couldn't find you after the feast in the Hall, so I thought you'd gone to bed. And Mira said she came to see you yesterday morning, but she didn't find you in the chambers. Do you have any idea where we are? Almost all these people are our enemies. They once banished their father and forgot about him for twenty years. Do you think they are glad we showed up? Orvin! What do you even think? - Damion's voice was shaking, his hands were clenched in his fists, so even his knuckles were white.
He put his head down and scratched the back of his head, as if he hadn't thought.
- I'm sorry, Damion. It was really my fault. But listen to me, where I was and who I met! - The kid came alive.
His gray eyes were burning, and Damion realized he couldn't be mad at his brother anymore. Thank the gods he was safe and sound.
The older brother sighed and said: - Well, tell me.
He barely had time to open his mouth to tell the story of his adventures, as a soft rustle of grass was heard and the Queen of the North appeared because of the high oak. When she noticed her nephews, she stopped and gave them a cold look.
- Lord Damione! - slowly stretching her words, said Sansa. - Congratulations!
Orvin was bewildered by the look of his brother's gray eyes on the northerner, completely confused.
- Damion, what is she talking about?
- Oh! So you haven't told your brother the wonderful news yet? - Her eyes were sparkling with ice and her face was distorted by anger. - I hope you're happy now! The Lord of the Dragonstone!
- I got it right, - said Damion in a calm voice, without taking my eyes off Sansa's thorny eyes.
- By right, you say? How can a son of some wild man talk about his rights?
Feeling the little brother boiling, Damion put his hand on his shoulder, as if calming. Orvin looked at his brother with indignation in his eyes. Damion's heart cut through a sharp pain, but he made himself smile.
- It's better to be the son of Wildlife than yours. At least I'm not forced to marry by force. We are free to choose our own couple, unlike your children. I sincerely pity your daughter, Your Grace.
Taking his brother by the elbow, Damion headed towards the exit of the garden. As she walked past the Queen of the North, she stopped and said quietly:
- Yes, I got the Dragonstone, but that didn't mean I wouldn't claim the throne.
Without thinking about anything, Kat shaved a green alley towards the sea. A gentle breeze was blowing up her crying face, bringing her the scents of flowers, and it distracted her a little from her sad thoughts. He and Shireya had agreed to meet, but the young Stormy Limit Lady was not there yet. The Northern Princess approached the stone fence tangled in the ravine and looked towards the approaching horizon of the sun. Yellow rays hit the sea and sparkled with sunlight on the surface of the water, which made it shimmer in different colors and seemed to be covered with a canvas of gemstones.
The girl was wearing a simple smoky-grey silk dress with a small neckline, embroidered on the edges of the sleeves and the hem with silver embroidery. Katielyn stood immovably and if it wasn't for her chic hair, which was almost completely dissolved and fixed only by a pair of pigtails on the back of the head, and therefore developed in the wind and looked like a bright flame, the Northern Princess could be taken as a marble statue.
The sound of wind crashing against the stones of the waves, the cries of the gulls - all of which, together, created an incredible harmony and helped Katielyn forget all the problems; she did not want to go back to the Red Castle, she was still hoping to close her eyes and wake up in her native Winterfell. Her brother was right when he said that this trip would bring them nothing but disappointment. Only the view of the sea had some calming and even bewitching effect on the young northerner; the girl thought she could stand like this forever. She was so immersed in this enchanting atmosphere that she was completely unwilling to pay attention to anything around her. There was a rustling sound behind her, but the girl didn't even turn her head, thinking it was Shirea who finally got to her.
Kat had already prepared to welcome her new girlfriend when somebody else's hand held her mouth. Suddenly, she didn't even try to show any resistance, and she couldn't. The Northern Princess smelled a sharp smell that hit her in the nose, after which she lost all ability to think clearly and began to slowly settle on the ground. The last thing she remembered before her strength left her body was how someone's hands caught her and how some heavy matter, like a raincoat, covered her face. And then there was darkness.